2x05 The Rocky Horror Glee Show - Dammit Julia

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"Great news guys, I've had a little inspiration.  This week's musical lesson isn't really a lesson, It's a musical," Mr. Schue said as he entered the choir room, late as usual.

"Ooh, you think we'll do Grease?  It's my goal in life to play Sandy," Julia whispered into Santana's ear, her soft, musical loving side coming out.

"You're such a dork," Santana replied, playfully hitting Julia's shoulder, not being able to hold back a smile as Julia giggled.

"Oh, please be Evita, please be Evita," Rachel mumbled under her breath as Santana rolled her eyes.

"Rocky Horror!" Mr. Schue yelled as the kids began to talk among themselves.

"Seriously?  My sister and I had to sneak into my living room at midnight just to watch that movie cause my parents wouldn't let me," Julia said to the girl next to her as well as Layton.

"You let your sister watch that?" Santana furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well, I did cover her eyes basically the entire time," Julia responded as Layton laughed at the girl and Santana simply smiled.

"I've never seen it," Finn said.  

"Mr. Schue, while I admire your choice of the groundbreaking 70s musical, aren't you worried that the adult themes might be a point of controversy?" Rachel asked.

"Seriously.  A school in Texas couldn't even do Rent.  It caused an outrage and they had to cancel the show," Kurt added as Rachel and Finn nodded with them.

"Isn't that the whole point of the arts?  Pushing boundaries and doing things people say you can't do for the sake of self-expression?" Mr. Schue rhetorically asked the class.

"I can't believe the whitest teacher in our school is letting us do this!" Julia said with a little excitement as she not only loved to sing but to act.

Most of the class lightly laughed at the girl's statement as Mr. Schue gave Julia a look before continuing.

"I've got it all figured out, I cut out some of the more risque sections and I'm sending home permission slips to all your parents to make sure that they're okay with it," Mr. Schue said as he began to pass out the slips of paper.

Julia already knew she was going to be forging that signature.

 "And we're going to charge admission and use the proceeds to help pay for transportation to nationals in New York," Mr. Schue said as the kids excitedly began to talk amongst themselves.

"Okay, let's talk about casting," Mr. Schue said,

"Oh, Finn and I will play Brad and Janet," Rachel said, giving her boyfriend no say in his role.

"And I'll be playing the guy in the wheelchair, right?" Artie asked.

"That's what I was thinking," Mr. Schue responded.  "And I thought Kurt could play the role of Frank N Furter," Mr. Schue said as Julia scoffed at how problematic it was to force the role upon the only (known) gay kid in the class.

"No, there's no way I'm playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick," Kurt said.

"Why?  Cause that look was last season?" Santana asked which caused Julia to snicker from beside her, trying to hold back her light giggles at an inappropriate time.

"I'll do it," Mike said, causing everyone to look at him in shock, even his girlfriend.

"Really?  It's like the male lead," Tina informed him.

"I know, but I'm feeling a little more confident about my singing voice after our duets project," Mike said as Julia furrowed her eyebrows since Mike never really sang in that duet.

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