2x07 The Substitute - Angry and Turned On

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Santana watched as Julia and Layton talked at his locker.  Julia giggled at something Layton said and blushed, looking down at her feet.  But Layton grabbed Julia's hands and kissed both of them, causing Julia to grin.

That's probably the biggest smile she's worn all week.  And wasn't because of Santana like it usually was.

Santana leaned on her locker, waiting for the two to leave.

Layton stuffed his books in his locker along with his phone before shutting it closed and walking off with Julia hand in hand.

Just as they left, Santana came walking up behind them and stopped at Layton's locker.  She used a trick to open the locked locker that Sue had taught all the Cheerios so they could inspect all the lockers for tots and other unhealthy foods in between classes.

Sue had become a complete health nut after being appointed principal in Figgins' absence.

Once Santana had finally pried the locker open, she grabbed Layton's phone off of one of the shelves and saw that his profile picture was one of him and Julia.  Santana, however, ignored the image and tried the classic password of '1234'.

She had looked over his shoulder when he entered it the other day in the auditorium and it happened to be the easiest one to remember.  Obviously, since Layton had the brain of a two-year-old.  At least that's what Santana thought.

When the phone unlocked, she went straight to his messages and scrolled through them looking for any unusual name or number.


And the list went on.  Of course, there were a few other female names, but when Santana clicked on them, they were mostly family members.

Santana sighed as she placed the phone back in the locker where she found it.  Maybe Layton wasn't cheating.  Maybe Santana was just looking way too far into this.   After all, when Santana had seen the couple at Layton's locker, he looked just as in love with her as she was with him.

She probably was digging a little too deep since she was desperate to find a way to get Julia back in her arms even if she didn't want to admit it.

But she was too stubborn to apologize to Julia.  She didn't remember the last time she had apologized to anyone and just the thought of it made Santana grimace.

She realized that the girls probably just had to shout at each other until they were too tired to argue anymore.  Because Santana knew that Julia wasn't going to apologize either.

And she couldn't deny that she was also a little annoyed at Julia for being a bit of a hypocrite.  While Julia was constantly jealous of Puck, she really had no right to be because she was constantly with Layton and had no feelings for the Latina.

No feelings she would admit at least.

Even if Santana's method of resolution was a bit loud and painful, it was the only way to get her aggression toward Julia out.

Oh, and also get her back.


After giving the glee club a song from 1952, almost as old as Kurt's dance moves, Mr. Schuester went crawling back to Holly Holliday and to help make the number a little more fun and modern.

After the performance, before Julia walked over to Layton, Santana made sure to walk by the girl and whisper a couple words in her ear.

"My place at 4," Santana simply whispered, slowing down as she walked by the girl.

Julia looked a bit surprised that Santana had walked near her, let alone talk to her.

"This better be good, Lopez," Julia snarled, her cold expression returning as she turned around and walked toward Layton.


"So, why am I here?" Julia asked as soon as the front door to Santana's house opened, revealing the Latina Cheerio, still in her uniform.

"Well," Santana walked into her house and up the stairs, Julia following the girl and shutting the door behind the pair.  "I was thinking, neither of us are going to apologize because we're two bitches, so let's just scream and argue until we get tired since my parents are still at work.  Fair enough?" Santana asked as she led the other Cheerio into her room.

"Okay," Julia responded, closing the door behind her as Santana turned around to make eye contact with the girl.  "You're fucking annoying.  You're constantly trying to make me mad with Puck like 'oh my god, you're so strong and smart'," Julia said, mimicking the Latina as she walked closer to her.  "When we both know Puck probably has inflatable muscles and was held back a grade at least 5 times."

"Well, why are you so mad?  Huh?  You've got little Mr. Perfect Layton over there in Julia land!  Where everything is just sunshine and rainbows whenever that fucking string bean is around!" Santana shouted, taking a step closer to Julia.  "What do you even see in him?" 

"I could ask you the same thing about Puck!  He's a one-hit-wonder when it comes to girls!  Why would you ever want to be in a long term relationship with him?  You're delusional!" Julia yelled, moving closer to Santana.

"You're insane!  A sophomore?  There are hundreds, literally hundreds of boys not only from our school, but from literally every school in this state who would want to be with you that are our age, but you choose him!  A sophomore!  That makes no sense so stop pretending like I'm stupid for being jealous!" Santana took another step forward.

The two girls were practically yelling in each other's faces.

"You know, I wouldn't be so jealous if you weren't so fucking pretty!" Julia yelled as Santana didn't miss a beat.

"Oh yeah, you think I can deal with your green eyes?" Santana asked, grabbing the other girl's waist and pulling Julia into her.  "Goddammit, Julia, they're the most gorgeous things on earth and I can't stand it!  Why are you like this?" Santana shouted back.

"Fuck you and your lips, Santana!" Julia yelled back, placing a firm hand on Santana's cheeks.  "So fucking soft!" she yelled one last time before Santana closed the distance and roughly pressed her lips onto Julia's red ones.

The Julia stumbled backward, the force of Santana pouncing on her driving her against the wall.

"Fuck you, Mendoza," Santana whispered into the other girl's lips, keeping a hand planted on Julia's cheek and the other on the wall behind her.

Julia's arms looped around Santana's waist, pulling the girl as close as possible, the contact making both of the girls shiver before melting into each other.

Once Julia had enough of being pinned to the wall, she finally flipped them over so Santana's back was pressed against the wall.  Julia's hands were planted on the wall on either side of Santana's head as she aggressively kissed down her neck and collar bone, not missing a single spot on the Latina's exposed neck.

"I didn't know it was possible to be this angry and turned on at the same time."

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