2x19 Rumours - Gossip

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A/N: I know a court date for the restraining order would normally be much later, for the sake of the story, it happened over the weekend.

Julia was happier than she had ever been, cuddled up in Santana's arms with stress and thoughts of him finally out of her mind.

They were able to get a court date relatively quickly and Santana's mom had offered to work as the Mendoza family's lawyer free of charge, even if there wasn't much she had to do since Layton had already confessed.

Of course, she was issued a restraining order that would last for the entire year and would force Layton to stay 300 feet away from her.  Julia felt free from the chains that held her back to the boy.

Instead, on Santana's couch, while her parents were gone, Julia was curled up in the brown-eyed girl's arms, the two watching "Orange Is the New Black", a TV show that they had recently decided to binge-watch.

While Julia stared at the TV screen and giggled at every little joke, Santana could only gaze down at Julia and her beautiful smile that made Santana light-headed.  Santana held the girl just a bit tighter, Julia dropping her head to lean it down on Santana's chest.

The only thing that stopped Santana's smile from growing was the buzz of both girls' phones.  Julia pulled her phone out of her back pocket, Santana grabbing hers from off the table.

"Hey, Brittany posted a video," Julia said, showing Santana her screen.  "Pause the TV, I have to watch this to make sure Brittany doesn't get herself into some sort of trouble...again."

Santana dropped her phone and picked up the remote, pausing the episode halfway through as Julia held the phone up in front of both of their faces, pressing the play button.

"Fondue for two, fondue for two, that's some hot dish, it's fondue for two!"

"Hi, I'm Brittany S. Pierce and this is my new internet talk show, 'Fondue For Two' which combines the two things I like the most: hot cheese and talking to people," Brittany smiled at the camera before taking a seat.  "My first two guests are the school's biggest gossips-"

"I don't know about that," Santana murmured under her breath over the video.

"Mercedes Jones and Ms. Tina Cohen-Chang," Brittany said as the two guests waved at the camera.

"Shouldn't it be 'Fondue For Three'?" Tina asked but Brittany shook her head with an innocent smile that made Julia giggle and Santana melt.

"Oh my god, that is hot," Mercedes said with a  mouthful of cheese before spitting it out onto her plate.

"Okay, so let's get down to some hot dish," Brittany ignored Mercedes.  "Um, I heard a rumor that Mr. Kidney the janitor walks around school drinking vodka out of a teapot," Brittany whispered.

"Is this really what they were doing in the 70s?" Mercedes asked about the fondue, disregarding Brittany's statement.

"Hot mess Mr. Kidney aside, I wanna talk about the rumor about Asian men," Tina started before the camera panned over to her and she wagged her finger.  "Not true."

"I mean, it's not even good.  It tastes the way a baby's diaper smells," Mercedes said with another mouthful of cheese.

"I heard a rumor that Santana and Julia play for the other team.  And I can confirm that rumor, it's a hundred percent true," Brittany nodded. 

"Oh, fuck," Julia mumbled under her breath.

"Sorry, what?" Santana asked, rage lacing her voice.

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