2x19 Rumours - Songbird

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A majority of the glee club sat in the Lima Bean, gathered around a long table.

"What do we know about Sam anyway?  I mean, like what town is he from?  What city?  What's his old school like?  Maybe he's a serial killer," Tina thought aloud as Julia rolled her eyes before sharing a look with Quinn who was seated beside her.

"You guys, I'm telling you, Kurt wouldn't cheat on Blaine," Julia told the high schoolers before taking a sip of her coffee.

After pictures of Kurt at a motel with Sam were released in the school newspaper, rumors were getting around quickly.

"It's just like the 'Rumours' album, I mean, being apart around the road is hard for two artists," Rachel started.  "Performers have this love the one you're with mentality and I mean, look at all of us.  Look at all the different combinations that we've had; Finchel, Puckleberry."

"Tina Cohen-Chang-Chang," Tina added.

"Artittany," Artie said but Julia gave the boy a harsh glare.

Pretty much every word that came out of the boy's mouth earned a death glare from Julia.

"Pizes," Puck finished.

"Guys, we're siting here squabbling over what?  A rumor," Finn interrupted the banter.

"Finn's right, we need more information," Rachel obviously agreed with the boy she was hopelessly in love with.

"I don't want to get into it, but all I'm going to say is Sam's not gay," Quinn told the group before turning to Julia.  "Come on," Quinn dragged Julia out of her seat, the Latina almost spilling her coffee in the process.

"Jesus, you don't have to be so aggressive about everything," Julia sighed as it was Quinn's turn to send Julia a death glare.

"Okay, okay," Julia raised her free hand in surrender, Quinn still tightly grasping the brunette's arm.  "I get it, baby hormones."


"You're crazy to even think that Sam and I would be a thing," Julia said, leaning over the piano in the almost empty choir room, only Santana and Brad occupying the room with her.  "I love you too much."

"I know, I know, I love you too and that's actually why I brought you here; to apologize" Santana said, Julia suddenly perking up as Santana grabbed her hand.  "I've been going through that 'Rumours' album and I've found the best song that really goes one step past the inside in expressing my feelings for you," Santana walked Julia over to a chair, the green-eyed girl smiling at her best friend's words.

Julia took a seat, sitting shyly on her hands, causing Santana to smile back at the adorable freckled girl.

"Private feelings," Santana added before walking back to the center of the room.

"Uh, what about him?" Julia nodded toward Brad who was sat in front of the piano.

"He's just furniture," Santana pointed over at man.  "Sorry, no offense," Santana added as the piano player shrugged.  "Hit it."  

As usual, pretend Brittany is Julia.

Also, I played the way she said "score" at 0:51 about a billion times because I think it's the most beautiful note I've heard in my entire life, thank you for coming to my ted talk.

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