2x17 Night of Neglect - Sick

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"Has anyone seen Julia today?" Mr. Schue asked, his eyes scanning over all his students, noticing Julia wasn't among them.

"No, I called her earlier but she didn't pick up.  I'm gonna call her again after class," Santana said, leaning back in her chair.

She felt empty without her best friend sitting next to her and holding her hand or leaning her head down on her shoulder.  But at the same time, she was more than worried that she wasn't picking up the phone at all today.

"Okay, I guess we'll have to continue on with rehearsals without her."


Just as the bell rang, Santana pulled her phone out of her pocket, unlocking it before clicking on Julia's number which was already on speed dial.  Santana walked out of the room, anxiously biting on her nails as the phone rang.

And rang.

And rang.

And rang again.

And again.

"Hey it's Julia, leave a message if you want, but I probably won't check it since if your shit was important enough, you'd come and say it to my face."

Santana groaned when Julia's voicemail sounded for the third time today.  She angrily stuffed her phone back into her pocket as she felt a presence beside her.

"No luck?" the blonde asked.

"Nope," Santana said, popping the 'p' as she linked pinkies with Brittany.  "I think I've memorized Julia's voicemail by now."

"She's probably fine, right?  She's probably just sick or something...right?" Brittany asked also becoming slightly worried over her best friend.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure she's fine," Santana reassured the girl but she didn't know if she really believed her own words.


"You're one of the most talented members in glee club yet you're constantly taking the back seat to everyone," Lauren lectured Mercedes in the library.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?  I'm tired of fighting with Rachel all the time," Mercedes replied.

"Okay, you're always singing about R-E-S-P-E-C-T, but respect isn't something you can ask for, it's something you demand.  And you deserve it," Lauren told the girl, walking along the bookshelves with Mercedes.

"Well, you don't seem to have any problem in that department," Mercedes rolled her eyes.

"Right, but you know what?  Neither does Aretha or JLO, or Mariah.  Like...Julia for example, you need to be more like her," Lauren told Mercedes.

"What?  So you want me to just be a bitch to everyone?" Mercedes quirked an eyebrow.

"No.  I'm saying that Julia earned her respect by demanding it.  How do you think she became the HBIC at this school?" Lauren asked.

"Uh, I don't know, cause she's popular," Mercedes shrugged.

"Yes, but why?  Why is she popular?"

"Um...cause she's pretty?" Mercedes wondered.

"Yes, while she is pretty, like, extremely pretty, the point is that she demanded respect.  No one dares to step up to her or slushy her because she makes them fear her and demands for their respect.  I heard she walked into this joint as a softy, but as time went on, she learned how to play the game and began demanding everyone's respect.  I'm pretty sure all the teachers are scared of her.  Instead of caving when she was pushed down to the middle spot for the benefit, she straight up left and hasn't come back to school today because she demands that finale spot.  While she's a bitch, she's pretty damn smart and powerful."

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now