2x20 Prom Queen - Hard

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A/N: So I was thinking, and I kinda want to give our queens, the foursome, a proper and unique name.  I was thinking up names for the foursome and I thought of a couple, but vote on which one you like, or comment your own suggestions.

Here are a couple I thought up:

The Fearsome Foursome

The Femme Fatatles

The Quartet Threat

I know they're kinda cheesy, but they're all I could think of.  I'm personally leaning toward The Fearsome Foursome but leave your own suggestions too!

Also, I think I'm going to put a message up on my feed about all the twitter drama with Lea Michele and the racism, but just know, I already posted something about the Black Lives Matter movement and horrible murders and there's a link in my bio with petitions to sign and places to donate.

"I went to Ann Taylor's Loft and like six Forever 21s and I cannot find a dress that fits," Lauren said as she walked into the choir room, Santana in front of her while Brittany and Julia walked behind her.  "I'm gonna be forced to make my own dress for Prom."

"Don't, you'll seem poor," Julia said, taking her seat sandwiched between Brittany and Quinn.

"You're up for Queen, you can't make your own Prom dress," Santana added, Julia not even bothering to look down at the girl in the front row as Santana spoke.  "Prom is like our Oscars.  It's seriously like the most important night of our lives."

"What about getting married?" Lauren furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh honey, you can get married as many times as you want, but you only have one shot at your Junior Prom!" Julia exclaimed.

"What're you guys talking about?" Mercedes asked, entering the room.

"Prom dresses," Lauren sighed.

"Thank god I don't have to worry about that.  I'm not going," Mercedes crossed her arms as everyone looked at the girl, Santana even stopping mid-nail file in order to look up at her.

As she turned to look at the girl, she caught sight of Julia, just sitting two seats away.  The freckled girl looked angelic, as always, but Santana had to pry her eyes away from the girl, not wanting Julia to catch her staring.

"Why not?" Kurt asked Mercedes.

"Because no one's asked me," Mercedes shrugged.

"Alright, guys!  It's Prom!" Mr. Schue said with a smile as the bell rang.

"Please tell me we are not doing songs about Prom," Sam groaned, Julia chuckling at glancing up at the blond who grinned back.

Santana noticed that Julia was in a better mood since their fight at Julia's house, which was surprising because Santana was sure the green-eyed girl would still be mad about it.

And she was, but she didn't want to let Santana know that.

"Nope.  We are the Prom," Mr. Schue said, everyone sharing looks, Julia glancing over at Brittany who was in her own world, playing with Julia's fingers.

Julia smiled at the unknowing girl, wishing she could be as carefree as her blonde friend.

"Figgins has asked us to perform," Mr. Schue sighed.

"Let's do 'Run Joey Run'!" Rachel excitedly announced, every member of the glee club giving the girl a weird look, Julia rolling her eyes at the theater nerd.

"Now I know this isn't ideal with Nationals coming up, but we don't have a choice and we could really use the money," Mr. Schue started, grabbing a stool to sit on.  "But I know Prom is a right of passage and I wanna make sure that all of you guys get a chance to enjoy the dance too.  So, we're going to stagger the performances so that each and every one of you has a lot of time to dance with your dates," Mr. Schue smirked as Julia and Brittany shared a pair of smiles.

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