2x10 A Very Glee Christmas - Caroling

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The glee club stood around their old, dried-up Christmas tree that they had placed in the center of the choir room.  Santana, Julia, Brittany, and Quinn all giggled as they placed ornaments all over the tree with the rest of the glee club.

I couldn't find the video, but here's the audio

We're on the island of misfit toys
Here we don't wanna stay
We want to travel with Santa Claus
In his magic sleigh

A pack full of toys means a sack full of joys
For millions of girls and for millions of boys

Brittany pushed Artie over to Rachel who gave him a present as Quinn ran off with her boyfriend, leaving only half of the foursome at the Christmas tree, still singing along and cracking stupid jokes.

When Christmas Day is here
The most wonderful day of the year

Sam: A jack-in-the-box waits for children to shout

Wake up!
Don't you know that it's time to come out!

When Christmas Day is here
The most wonderful day of the year

Julia somehow found Mike throughout all the chaos in the choir room and the two began to ballroom dance around all of the kids, making a couple people laugh while making a couple people jealous.

Toys galore scattered on the floor
There's no room for more
And it's all because of Santa Claus

Mike spun Julia a couple times before she landed in the seat next to Quinn, Layton sitting directly behind her.

Sam: A scooter for Jimmy

Julia: A dolly for Sue

Layton: The kind that will even say

Brittany: "How do you do?"

When Christmas Day is here
The most wonderful day of the year

Brittany: How'd you like to be a spotted elephant?

Artie: Or a choo-choo with square wheels on your caboose!

Julia: Or a water pistol that shoots...jelly?

Julia sang to her best friend, the glee club gathering around the tree once again.  Santana shook her head and smiled at Julia, knowing it was her favorite holiday of all time, but that was only because of her sister and her Christmas spirit.

We're all misfits!
If we're on the island of unwanted toys
We'll miss all the fun with the girls and the boys
When Christmas Day is here
The most wonderful, wonderful
Wonderful, wonderful
Wonderful day of the year!

"Hey, guys, what's this?" Mr. Schue asked just as the kids had finished their song.

"Oh, we're trying to get into the Christmas spirit, Mr. Schue," Finn told the teacher.  "Christmas is totally my favorite holiday.  And check out this awesome tree.  I found it on the side of the road.  It must have fell off some guy's car." 

"And the ornaments?" Mr. Schue inquired.

"The guy who lives next door finally killed off his elderly mother.  And when they carted him off, they left the house, like, wide open, so...I think she was a holiday hoarder," Santana said as Julia nodded in agreement, having stolen the Christmas ornaments with her best friend.

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