2x14 Blame It on the Alcohol - Spin the Bottle

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A/N: This is a long one, so prepare yourself.  Get the snacks.

Rachel turned the volume of the music up so it blared throughout the basement as everyone clutched a red solo cup in their hand.  Julia's was filled to the brim with whiskey, but she planned on it being empty in a couple seconds...even if it was her third cup.

"Come," she heard Quinn's voice come from somewhere and was suddenly pulled down to the ground where Mike, Mercedes, and Tina all sat, trying to flip coins into a shot glass.

Julia took it as her cue to put down her drink and pick up a coin and begin to flip it.  While she was unsuccessful, Mike eventually got the coin in the shot glass causing everyone to cheer and pick up a shot of whiskey that was sitting on the table.

Julia tilted her head back and let the liquid burn down her throat, pulling a weird face at the feeling, causing Quinn to drunkenly laugh at her.

The two girls got up off of the floor and began to dance around, Layton and Puck eventually joining the two.  But Julia was whisked away once again by the tug of her wrist.  She was eventually pushed down onto her back on the couch.

"Body shots!" she heard someone shout that sounded like Artie.

Julia had to blink a couple times to realize that Santana was standing over her with a smirk on her face.

"What the..." Julia trailed off, leaning her head back onto the couch cushion as a couple people gathered around her.

Santana promptly grabbed the hem of Julia's shirt and pulled it over her head exposing her bare stomach and bra.  All Julia did was simply laugh, too drunk to respond in any other way, as everyone around her cheered.

Santana grabbed a salt shaker and poured salt onto Julia's belly button, licking it off, before grabbing a lime, biting it, and finally taking a shot.  Everyone cheered even louder as Santana downed the whiskey.

Santana tossed the shot glass aside, placing her forearms over Julia's bare stomach and leaning down to rest her chin on Julia's chest, almost straddling the girl as both of them wildly giggling.

"That's so fucking disgusting," Julia laughed out and Santana continued to giggle.  "Aren't I supposed to hate you or something?" Julia confusedly asked, lifting just her head off of the couch to grab a red solo cup and down the contents inside, before discarding it by tossing it behind her.

"No," Santana smiled, as Julia laid her head back down on the couch.

"Good, cause I don't want to be," Julia giggled, hearing everyone start cheering and chanting again.

"It tastes like pink!  It tastes like pink!" Rachel yelled after drinking her first wine cooler, causing the Latinas to laugh but not to take their eyes off of each other.

"Your face is like...suuuuper close to mine and I....I'm totally digging that," Julia slurred out all whilst still laughing, Santana joining in.  "Your lips look really soft," Julia smiled.

"And your....your eyes look really pretty," Santana said with a couple drunken chuckles that also displayed a bit of her nervousness.

Santana moved her hand up to Julia's face and began to trace shapes around the girl's eye and onto her cheek.  Santana's finger eventually found its way to Julia's bottom lip, pulling it down before letting go causing her lip to fling back into place.

The edges of Julia's lips curled upward as Santana giggled, her hand crawling down to Julia's collarbone.  Julia looked away from Santana's brown eyes for a mere second to see if anyone was watching them, particularly one of their boyfriends, but found everyone was too busy dancing.

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