3x07 I Kissed A Girl - Coming Out

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I think this is the longest chapter I've ever written so let that speak for itself...

Julia continued to stuff her favorite clothes into a duffel bag, knowing she couldn't take everything though she wanted to.  She took yet another deep breath, trying to calm herself for the situation at hand.

I just have to remember my keys at the front door when I go.

"Jules, what are you doing?" Julia heard a tiny voice say from behind her.

Julia slowly turned to be met with Isla's big brown eyes staring back at her, the teenager having forgotten to lock the door and somehow missed Isla's entrance being so stuck in her own world.

"Oh, um..." Julia trailed off, trying to think up an excuse, but quickly realizing that it was probably best to tell her little sister what as going on before things got bad and the eight-year-old freaked out.  "Close and lock the door, then come over here so I can tell you."

Isla hesitantly obliged, feeling as if something was wrong by her older sister's tone of voice.

Isla jumped onto Julia's bed, letting her feet hang off and wildly swinging her legs around.  Julia took a seat next to the younger girl, letting out a drawn-out sigh.

"So, uh, Issa, there's something I need to tell you," Julia said, Isla pouting and furrowing her eyebrows as her mind wandered off to all the majestic places and eight-year-old's head could go.

It shouldn't be this hard to tell an eight-year-old this, she probably doesn't even really understand what I'm about to say yet.

"And it's been a secret for a while now, but recently that secret got out and I'm kinda forced to tell everyone even if I'm not really ready for it yet," Julia said, Isla curiously gazing up at her teenage role model.  "Isla..."

Spit it out you fucking pussy.

"Santana and I are dating."

"Wait, Santana?  Like...boyfriend-girlfriend?" Isla tilted her head to the side.

"Well...girlfriend-girlfriend," Julia replied with a weak smile.

"Oh my god, this is awesome!" Isla cheered, throwing her hands up in the air.  "She's gonna be like...my sister when you guys get married!"

Julia giggled at her little sister's reaction, Isla quickly enveloping Julia in a huge hug, squeezing the girl as tight as possible.  Julia's hands fell on the back of Isla's head, pulling the young girl into her.

"But why are you packing then?" Isla asked, confusion evident in her voice one she pulled her head away from her older sister.

"Well, uh, baby, everyone's not as...excited about this as you are," Julia hesitated, running her fingers through Isla's hair.  "Especially not mom and dad."

"But why not?  They love Santana!" Isla brightly smiled, Julia returning a sad smile.

"Well, you know how dad's always talking about how gay people are wrong and disgusting-"

"Yeah but...what does that even mean?" Isla asked with pursed lips, more puzzled than ever.

"Wait...what?" Julia was just as confused, assuming her little sister knew what the word meant because of her constant exposure to homophobia.

"Dad's always talking about it but no one ever tells me what it means," Isla pouted as Julia's eyes slightly widened and her eyebrows raised.

"Oh.  Well, uh, it's when you like--or you love someone that's the same gender as you.  But not like you love mom, like...you're in love with them and you want to date them," Julia clarified, trying to put everything into the simplest possible terms.

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