2x09 Special Education - Sectionals

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Julia and Santana walked onto the bus, hand in hand, and took seats right next to each other.  Julia and Santana hadn't dared to look at Layton after what had happened at the football game and Quinn and Brittany probably hadn't either once they caught wind of the situation.

As for Julia, after spending all night researching bisexuality and the queer community, she had decided that she was not straight.  She didn't really know what, but she was most likely queer in some way, shape, or form.

Julia had called Santana that night like she had promised to and was too much of a wuss to come out to her best friend, so instead, the two spent an hour trash-talking literally everyone that went to Mckinley.

That was the brightest Julia had smiled all night.

Layton had gone on to sit with Sam, causing Quinn and Brittany to sit together behind Julia and Santana.  The four Cheerios gossiped the entire short bus ride before Brittany enthusiastically skipped out and danced around the sidewalk, the rest of the foursome following in order to prevent Brittany from getting hit by a car.  Julia shouted out to the oblivious girl.

"Brit!  You have to look left, right, and then left again before you cross!  Or just hold my hand and we won't' have to worry about being down a person for sectionals!"


The New Directions had arrived just on time to watch The Hipsters perform.  Julia and Santana had to go all the way into the row to find open seats, Santana dragging along her best friend.  Julia had to pass Layton, the two giving each other side glances before Julia avoided any contact with him and found her seat next to Santana further down the row.  

While the hipsters did sing pretty well, Julia couldn't really focus as Santana was constantly making old people jokes from beside her.  Julia had to bite her lips so hard to contain her laughter, she thought she might draw blood.

But as soon as the Warblers were introduced, all eyes were on the stage, expecting to see Kurt, and in fact, the New Directions did.

And they were singing "Hey, Soul Sister".

That was the song Julia and Layton had first sung to each other when they had just met, and when they both heard it, they glanced at each other before looking away.  Julia wished she could feel as fluttery and carefree as she did in that moment when she was singing to the boy she loved.

But she felt that way when Santana wrapped a comforting arm around her and she leaned onto Santana's shoulder.  Santana smiled down at her best friends, knowing that she could get used to this situation with Julia and Layton.

But what Santana didn't notice was the glances that Julia and Layton were sharing.  


Julia sat next to Santana on a couch, Julia practically shaking from the nervousness.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked Quinn.

"No, I'm freaking out.  Last time we performed in front of an audience I went into labor.  I think I'm having post-traumatic stress disorder," Quinn said as Sam grabbed her hand, Julia wishing Layton was as caring as Sam.

"I don't think I can do this," Julia said to whoever would listen.

"You'll be fine, no one is going to mess this day up for you," Santana told the girl, both Latinas looking up at Layton who kept his eyes fixed on the floor.

"FYI, I'm totally available to fill in," Mercedes added as Santana gave the girl a glare causing Mercedes to raise her hands in surrender.

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