3x10 Yes/No - Memories and Summer Nights

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Just gonna say it now so I don't have to say it later: almost everything in these chapters that are in italics are flashbacks or song lyrics.

Santana laid on her side, staring at the wall of her room that was flooded with various pictures, most of them of Julia or of her and Julia.

"Hey," Julia said from the doorway in a husky voice, pulling Santana from her thoughts and causing her to turn away from the wall and toward her girlfriend. "Whatcha doin'?"

Julia had just jumped out of the shower, her wet, wavy dark locks trailing down and dampening her oversized, white Little Mix t-shirt, one of her favorite bands, which reached mid-thigh. As captivating as Julia's emerald eyes were, Santana found herself gawking at Julia's bare, tan legs.

"Mmm, nothing," Santana hummed, fixing her eyes back onto Julia's face so she wouldn't get caught staring.

But by the smirk playing on Julia's lips, Santana figured that it was too late.

"Just thinking," Santana added just as Julia took a step forward and pushed the door back so it was only open just a crack.

"About what?" Julia asked, dropping down on the bed beside Santana and rolling over to meet her favorite dark eyes.

"I don't know...I guess all those pictures," Santana mumbled, looking over her shoulder at the wall behind her, her eyes falling on one picture in particular.

It was one of the Fearsome Foursome from when they won Nationals sophomore year, gold medals hanging around each of their necks. The two blondes of the group were on the outside, while the brunettes were sandwiched in the middle, their hands intertwined while the blondes slung arms around their shoulders.

"You know, it's crazy how I remember the little things just like they were yesterday," Santana sighed, her eyes locking with Julia's which had some attentiveness and curiousness hidden behind them. "Like the first time we held hands."

"Tana, come on, we're gonna be late" Julia giggled with her innocent, goofy smile that always managed to make Santana grin back, the freckled girl rushing Santana out of the halls of McKinley High and to the field for Cheerio's practice.

Julia reached down, grabbing Santana's hand before tugging her away, never looking over her shoulder to notice Santana's reaction.

Santana didn't know why she was letting this pure, wholesome green-eyed beauty who she barely knew drag her around. She didn't let anyone drag her around. She had always been a bitch, able to spit out insults on the fly to destroy anyone and everyone's spirits, especially the vulnerable and innocent ones like Julia.

But something about the way her eyes were constantly lit with excitement and how her laugh was the one of an angel made Santana want to protect rather than harm the freckled Latina.

And when Julia's hand fit in hers, Santana looked down at their hands and genuinely smiled. She felt this unfamiliar feeling in the pit of her stomach that reminded her of how her stomach dropped and filled with nervous butterflies at the top of a roller coaster as she stared straight down at the far away ground below.

It was scary, but thrilling at the same time.

She didn't know what was different about Julia, but she knew that she would now be grabbing her hand at any and every chance she had.

Julia reached out and grabbed Santana's hand, keeping her head on the pillow, still close to Santana's. As Julia intertwined their fingers, Santana rememberd that scary, thrilling roller coaster feeling.

Santana watched as Julia's teeth slowly began to show in a full smile, Santana's heart skipping a beat and her lips curling upward in return.

"And then I remember the other things," Santana continued as Julia moved her bare legs to tangle them with Santana's. "Like when I told you I really loved you for the first time and you said it back."

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now