2x18.5 The Cure - Fights and the Football Team

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After the slushy incident with Julia, Santana had made sure to not leave the girl's side, even when Julia was getting disgusted confused glances and long stares.  What amazed Santana was the way Julia ignored it all and still strutted down the hallway as if she was the queen of the universe.

And god damn, it was hot.

Santana was walking toward Julia's locker, where the green-eyed girl was standing, with a smile on her face as she simply watched the girl and her beauty.

But suddenly, her vision became red and cloudy, like in the movies, and the grin dropped from her face.  Her target quickly changed as she stomped over to the highschooler, her footsteps becoming louder and quicker.

She pushed the boy on his side with all the power she could muster up, a slamming noise filling the hallway as he crashed into the lockers.

"You've been trying to fucking avoid me, you little shit," Santana yelled, standing over the slightly stunned curly-haired boy.

She pulled her hand back before open-hand slapping the boy across the face, his opposite cheek crashing against the locker, the slap being so hard that it impaired his vision for just a couple seconds.

"I know what the fuck you've done and you're going to pay," venom leaked from Santana's voice before she kneed the boy in the stomach, Layton letting out a long groan of pain.

The fight had attracted Julia's as well everyone in the hall's attention.  The freckled girl walked a little bit closer to the two, her lips slightly parted in shock, as her best friend destroyed her ex-boyfriend.  But of course, she wasn't going to stop Santana since Layton was getting exactly what he deserved.

"Why aren't you hitting me back?  Huh?" Santana punched the boy in the chest, simply just to let all of her anger out.  "Seems like you're fine with hitting girls!  Hit me!" Santana challenged the boy, backing up a step and throwing her hands in the air.

Layton didn't dare to say a word but his eyes flickered over to Julia who was standing slightly behind Santana.  He gave the girl a pleading look, but Julia simply tore her eyes away from him and fixed them back on her best friend.

"That's what I thought," Santana spat before slapping him across the face again, spit flying out of his mouth.

Santana moved closer to him and grabbed the boy by the shirt, about to give another blow to his face before she heard a voice echo throughout the hallway.

"Woah, woah, woah, Santana!  What are you doing?" Mr. Schue shouted.

While Mr. Schue's shouting paused Santana for a moment, the Latina's fist eventually made contact with Layton's jaw as she pinned him down.

"Santana!" Mr. Schue scolded the girl, grabbing her by the waist to hold her back, Layton wobbling around, trying to keep his balance.

Santana fought against her teacher's grip which only tightened as she clawed and kicked him.

"Let me go!" Santana protested, keeping her angry gaze on the sophomore in front of her.

"You can just start fighting people for no reason!  This is the second time!" Mr. Schue grunted, eventually dragging Santana away from the scene, pushing through crowds of students, Julia on their tail.

"Oh, I have a reason," Santana mumbled to herself.

Santana eventually stopped struggling against Mr. Schue once they were far enough away from the scene, causing the Spanish teacher to loosen his grip on the girl.

"You can't keep doing that, Santana.  Though I should, I'm not going to report you to Principal Figgins, but if there's a next time, you're gonna face the consequences," Mr. Schue reprimanded the seething Latina.

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