3x02 I Am Unicorn - Conversations and Campaigns

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I just wanted to let you all know that since Santana isn't in this episode much, (because she got kicked out of glee club) there's only going to be two chapters for this episode since there isn't much content.  But expect much more for episode 3 and especially 4.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

"Guess what I heard," Julia said, walking up to Santana's locker, the brown-eyed girl immediately closing it at the sound of Julia's voice in order to see the girl's face.

"What?" Santana asked, slightly smiling at the sight of Julia's freckled face.

"You know how Layton got transferred over the summer?"

"Yeah," Santana hesitantly replied, her smile dropping as she furrowed her eyebrows, knowing that the only reason his name would be coming out of Julia's mouth would be a bad one.

"Guess where he's going now?" Julia asked with a half-smirk.


"Carmel High,"  Julia said as Santana's eyes widened.

"No way," Santana breathed out in disbelief.

"Yes way," Julia nodded, crossing her arms and leaning on the lockers.  "Word on the street is that he's now a member of Vocal Adrenaline."

"So we'd see him at Nationals if we make it," Santana stated, shaking her head.

"If we get back in glee club," Julia added before linking pinkies with Santana and strutting down the hallway.

"Well speaking of glee club, apparently they're putting on a production of West Side Story," Santana told her best friend.  "And we could technically still be in it cause the Beiste is making all the football players be Jets."

"Well Sue would totally kill us," Julia said as Santana wrapped an arm around Julia's arm and leaned her head down on Julia's shoulder.

"Yeah, but we don't have to tell her and plus, you'd make an amazing Maria," Santana said as Julia's cheeks flushed a light pink.

"But I'm guessing Berry and Mercedes are gonna be going for the part," Julia sighed.  "And whenever Rachel's up for something, you know she always gets it by default."

"Well, yeah, but you can always just be Anita if you don't get the part, which you totally will," Santana reassured her girl who slightly smiled.

"You don't want to audition for Anita?  I mean, you'd be perfect for the role," Julia told Santana who's lips curled upward.

"Yeah, but the only problem is that when you get Maria and if I got Anita, Maria and Anita would have more chemistry than Maria and Tony which would be a bit of a problem," Santana said as Julia giggled.

"Yeah, that would be a problem wouldn't it?" Julia laughed as Santana joined in, feeling light-headed at the sound of Julia's gorgeous laugh.

"Just a little bit," Santana teased before lifting her head from Julia's shoulder and placing a light kiss to her cheek.  "Just think about it, okay?  You can always audition next week."

Julia nodded as Santana smiled back at her, making it impossible for her not to grin back.

"I have to go to class, but I'll see you later?" Santana asked, already knowing the answer to her question as she placed a hand on Julia's cheek.

"Yeah, of course.  Love you," Julia was enticed to lean in and meet Santana's lips, but used all her strength not to as she bit her lip.

"I love you, more," Santana replied, noticing Julia's urge to kiss her.

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