2x18.5 The Cure - Taste the Rainbow

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In case you guys didn't see what I put on my message board (you can follow me in order to get all the announcements regarding this book, just a shameless little self-promo) I'm adding a week in between episodes 18 and 19, meaning these next few chapters all take place after episode 18, but before episode 19.  

I did this because I thought all of the drama regarding Layton on top of the plot of episode 19 would be too much for one week, so I just added another week, dedicated to all this spicy drama.

I decided to name this nonexistent episode "The Cure" and you'll find out why later. 

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled program:

Santana's eyes fluttered open as she immediately felt Julia's head buried into her chest.  She glanced down at the girl, letting out a quiet sigh that displayed both content and worriedness.  Santana hugged Julia closer to her chest, gently placing her chin on Julia's shoulder, before noticing the wetness of the tear-stained pillow from last night.

Santana just wanted to make all of Julia's pain go away because it was absolutely killing her to see the girl like this.  She was going to make sure that Layton would pay for doing this to her girl.

Santana felt Julia's eyelashes suddenly brush against her bare neck, signaling that Julia had awakened from her everything but peaceful slumber.  Santana loosened her grip on the girl, giving her space to breathe, but at the same time, didn't want to let her go.

"Hi," Julia muttered in her husky morning voice, muffled as she spoke into Santana's shirt.

"Hi, beautiful," Satana replied but was slightly confused when she heard Julia softly giggle.

She didn't know how Julia could possibly giggle whilst being such a dark place, but Santana was glad she did, the laughter making Santana already happier.

"What?" she asked.

"I like when you call me by all those cute couple nicknames," Julia gushed.

"Well then I'll keep doing it, sweetheart," Santana, feeling Julia smile into her.  "But you know we have to talk about...what happened."

Julia sighed, sinking deeper into Santana.

"I know.  I just don't want to," Julia confessed.

"I know," Santana rubbed Julia's back.  "But here's a start; give me your phone."

"What? Why?" Julia groaned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Just trust me, okay?" Santana convinced Julia to eventually roll out of her grasp and reach out to grab her new phone from the nightstand on the opposite side of the bed.

After having her phone chucked at a wall and stomped on, Julia was lucky enough to borrow one of her dad's old phones while she looked for a new one.

While Santana missed the girl's touch, as soon as Julia handed her the phone, the green-eyed girl immediately wrapped herself in Santana's arms.  Santana slightly smiled as Julia squeezed her like a teddy bear and she unlocked Julia's phone, the two having memorized each other's passwords.

Santana immediately went to Julia's text conversations and searched for a specific boy's contact, but she couldn't find him.

"Jules, where's Layton?" Santana asked, scrolling through multiple names.

"Oh, I added him as 'racist piece of shit' in my phone," Julia said without falter, causing Santana to lightly chuckle.

Within a couple seconds, she found the messages shared between the two, the last one from weeks ago, indicating that the two hadn't really talked since the incident.

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