2x13 Comeback - You Have My Word

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"We want in," Puck said, causing Sam to turn around from the sink and face the four glee boys.

"In what?" Sam asked.

"The Justin Bieber Experience," Artie said.

"We want in the band," Layton added.

"But it's a one-man band," Sam said.

"So expand," Mike told the boy.

"I don't get it, you guys were totally making fun of me for singing Bieber."

"That's because we underestimated the power of the Biebs," Puck said.

"He's clearly like a mini-god," Mike added.

"Look how you made all those chicks melt in glee club," Artie told the blond.

"Yeah, I need my girlfriend back, I'm losing her.  Think about the power of five Biebers," Layton finished, doing his best to persuade his best friend.

"We'd be unstoppable," Puck answered.

"All of our relationships are in the standard post-Valentine's day low," Mike said as Layton couldn't help but think of Julia.

"Or the constant low.  She didn't even get me a pres-"

"That's not the point.  Here's what happens to the female chemistry: they get a huge shot of endorphins on Valentine's day and everything's heightened and so romantic.  But the problem is days later, when they come down from their seized candy high, they crash.  And everything else, by comparison, is humdrum," Artie stated the facts 

"We need the sugary sweet jolt of the Biebs to get us action again," Layton said.

"Why do you want in, Puckerman?" Sam asked the boy.

"I'm at the end of my Lauren Zizes rope.  I'll try anything to get into those enormous pants," Puck honestly said.

"Uh, what's goin' on?" Finn approached the five boys.

"We're joining the Justin Bieber experience if Sam's cool with it," Artie said.

"If not, we're starting our own band," Puck started.

"Bieber Fever," Mike finished.

"Wait, you guys do realize that Justin Bieber sucks, right?" Finn said.

"Quinn seemed to be pretty into it when I was singing in glee club," Sam approached the slightly taller boy.

"Right, well, I'm gonna spend my time working on songs that aren't geared toward twelve-year-olds," Finn sassed back.

"Good, then you won't have time to pick up any other guys' girlfriends," Sam placed a hand on Finn's chest as he turned, causing the boy to freeze in place.

"Hey, back off, man.  I didn't kiss your girlfriend," Finn said.

"Oh, really?  I'm not so sure about that," Layton walked up next to his best friend, defending him.

"She saved my life," Finn said with a half-smirk before walking away.

"So, what'd you say?  Are we in?" Mike changed the subject back.

"Fine, but we're gonna need to figure out what to do with Puckerman's hair," Sam smiled as everyone else cheered, but Puck's face dropped.

"Thanks, dude, I really need Jules back," Layton patted Sam on the back who gave the curly-haired boy a confused look.

"Why are you so obsessed with her anyway?  She doesn't even really seem to like you.  She didn't get you a gift for Valentine's day and you gave her the most cliche gift ever.  Chocolates?  Like, come on," Sam honestly told his best friend.

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now