2x12 Silly Love Songs - Love Songs and Revenge

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Julia had actually walked through the Mckinley doors this morning without her Cheerios uniform on for the third day in a row. And it felt great.

She got to wear her hair down instead of keeping it in a tight ponytail and she didn't have to deal with boys looking up her skirt every waking moment of her school day.

Even if Julia wasn't a Cheerio anymore, the students still parted in the hallways as she walked down them with Quinn at her side. Because they knew that she could easily destroy them with her venomous words.

"So, Valentine's day is coming up..." Quinn trailed off, her arm linked with Julia's.

"What do you want me to say?" Julia sighed, knowing Quinn was trying to pry some sort of information out of her.

"Jules, this is the perfect time to tell Santana! Love is in the air and you can drop that douchebag, Layton-"

"Actually, he said something to me at the game last week," Julia told the blonde as they rounded the corner.

"Hmm?" Quinn hummed, her gaze falling upon Finn who stood at his locker.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

"Okay, I'm going to pretend that didn't happen," Julia commented, referring to the interaction between Finn and Quinn who blushed. "And Layton told me to rejoin the Cheerios."

"Wait, what?" Quinn furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah, I don't get why he wouldn't want me to be in glee with him or be at the game last night," Julia said, the former Cheerios stopping at her locker.

"Julia, it's kinda obvious that he's just using. He just wants the popularity that comes with you, and now that you aren't on the Cheerios, he's gonna dump you and go date some other Cheerio," Quinn told Julia, leaning on the lockers.

"Well, to be honest, I don't really care. I mean, I guess I'm using him too. I don't really like him that much anymore," Julia shrugged, grabbing a couple books from her locker.  "But I do kinda want to keep him just to see if Santana's gonna do something about it."

"Well, then what are you going to do for Mr. Schue's project or whatever? I mean, you can't really sing a love song to someone you don't love. That's like...singing a breakup song to someone you're not breaking up with, it makes zero sense."

"I mean, I can just fake it or whatever, he's literally an idiot so he's not going to be able to tell the difference," Julia slammed her locker shut.

"Well, that certain love song could be dedicated to a certain girl..." Quinn trailed off, a smirk growing on her face.

"Shut up," Julia said before strutting down the hallway, beginning to sing her love song among all the students of Mckinley.

Julia strutted down the hallway, Quinn on her tail, Julia waving flirtatiously at any boy she passed. She twirled and danced as everyone passed her a smile.

All it'd take is one flight
We'd be in the same time zone
Looking through your timeline
Seeing all the rainbows
I got an idea
And I know that it sounds crazy
I just wanna see ya
Oh, I gotta ask

Julia turned the corner and walked right into the choir room, already filled with students as the band kids began to play. Julia made sure to look at Layton for some parts of the song, to make it believable, but kept her eyes on Santana when she could.

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