3x01 The Purple Piano Project - Kicked Out

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"Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for glee club's newest member, Blaine Anderson!" Mr. Schue exclaimed, patting Blaine's back as the two walked in the room, followed by light applause.

"Thanks everyone, I'm so thrilled to be here.  It's gonna be a great year, I can feel it, we're all gonna go to Nationals!" Blaine excitedly smiled at the New Directions, some of them with blank expressions.

"Is there a problem, guys?" Mr. Schue asked just as Julia and Santana linked pinkies.

"I just want Blaine to know we're not the Warblers," Finn said, hints of annoyance and jealousy evident in his voice as Blaine went to take a seat.  "You know, we're not into the bells and whistles or-or the ball hogging."

"I-I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" Blaine asked.

"Well yeah, y-you set a bonfire in our courtyard," Finn turned to look at Blaine as Julia rolled her eyes.

"Actually, doorknob," Santana leaned forward in her chair to address Finn who was a few seats away.  "That was an active political protest."

"Which leads me to the next order of business," Mr. Schue sighed, walking across the room so he stood in front of the two Latina Cheerios.  "Santana, Julia, you need to leave.  It was you and the Cheerios who set fire to our piano," Mr. Schue told the girls who rose their eyebrows at Mr. Schue's statement.  "How could you do that?"

"Well actually, we didn't set fire to the piano.  The other Cheerios poured the gasoline and Quinn lit the fire with a cigarette," Julia shrugged. 

"But I know you guys were involved and you did nothing to stop it," Mr. Schue shook his head.

"Mr. Schue, Sue made us," Santana told the teacher.

"Brittany didn't do it," Mr. Schue argued.

"Well yeah, I was gonna help, but, I don't know, water signs, so..." Brittany shrugged.

"And I told you, we didn't actually do it either!  We were just witnesses," Julia exclaimed.

"You're banned from glee.  Don't come back if you can't be as loyal to this club as the rest of the people in this room," Mr. Schue sternly said, completely ignoring Julia's statements.

"Sorry, hold on.  So Rachel can send someone to a literal crack house, and nothing happens, but we simply witness the lighting of a purple piano and we're kicked out?  You can't be serious," Julia questioned in disbelief, turning to the rest of the glee club for support, but no one spoke up, everyone either looking down or blankly staring.

And Julia had to say that it hurt that she didn't even get some support from Brittany, but she couldn't blame the blonde since she probably didn't even know what was going on.

Mr. Schue ignored the freckled Latina and simply gestured to the door.

"You know what, fine," Santana said, standing and pulling Julia up with her.  "We could use a break from you losers."

With that, the two Cheerios walked out of the room and turned the corner.

"I'm so done with this double standard and shit," Julia scoffed, her pinky still locked with Santana's.

"You know, if Mr. Schue can't see our obvious awesomeness, fuck him," Santana said.

"He is probably the worst teacher I've ever had in my life.  He's a Spanish teacher and doesn't even speak Spanish," Julia shook her head.  "We need to find a new glee club or something."

"But you know what this means?" Santana asked, her gritted teeth quickly turning into a smirk.

"Hmm?" Julia hummed in question, her eyes fixed on the way Santana's eyes suddenly lit up.

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