2x12 Silly Love Songs - Santana Fucking Lopez

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Hey, quick little A/N:

1. Just wanted to say that we're fifty chapters in and I am so thankful for all the support you've given this story!  Thank you so much!  The response has been amazing and I love you guys so much!

2. I know, we're fifty chapters in and Julia and Santana haven't gotten together yet and I'm dying for them to be together just as much as you guys are, but I want to keep my story in line with the show, meaning I want Santana to confess her love for Julia around the same time where Santana confesses her love for Brittany in the show.  So only a couple more episodes!

3. I love you guys so much!  Plus, your comments are absolutely hilarious so keep leaving them.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled program:

"Alright, guys, I have one word for you," Mr. Schue said, turning around from the whiteboard which had four big red letters encapsulated by a heart.

Brittany raised her hand.

"Brittany?" Mr. Schue called on the girl.

"Is it love?" Brittany read the board as everyone gave the girl a look, the word being more than obvious.  "I'm totally going to graduate now," Brittany cheered as Julia smiled at the girl.

"Valentine's day is coming up," Mr. Schue ignored Brittany.  "So, for this week's lesson, I want you guys to pick a partner and you guys are going to sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song.  Find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you.  Now, partner up," Mr. Schue said but most students were already hugging or at least staring at their partner.

"Mr. Schue, can I say something?" Finn asked before Mr. Schue gestured for the boy to walk down to the front of the room.  "I've just gotta say, for the first time, an entire week has gone by without any one of us getting slushied."

Everyone clapped as Julia whispered under her breath.

"But I've never been slushied."

"I-I think the fact that I led the football team to a conference championship might have something to do with it," Finn said as everyone gave him confused or annoyed looks, Julia rolling her eyes.  "But the fact is, I'm the closest thing this glee club has to a celebrity right now, and just like a famous athlete, I want to give to a charity.  You guys."

Everyone, including Mr. Schue gave the boy annoyed looks as jaws dropped in Finn's cockiness and insult to the glee club.

"Hold up, hold up, hold up.  What?" Julia crossed her arms, already over Finn's slight narcissism.

"So I'm setting up a kissing booth for a dollar a smooch and donating the proceeds to glee club to help us-" Finn was interrupted.

"Don't even act like your trying to help this glee club out.  You just want to kiss a bunch of girls," Mercedes said as Julia nodded in agreement.

"You're basically like a man-whore for kissing, except no one wants to hop on your lips since they're a train to the wonderful town of neverending disgust and regret," Julia sarcastically said.

"And I've kissed Finn," Santana raised her hand.  "And can I just say, not worth a buck.  I would, however, pay a hundred dollars to jiggle one of his man boobs," Santana smirked whilst wiggling her fingers.

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