3x05 The First Time - You're Out

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"You look so pretty," Santana said from behind her girlfriend, Julia turning at the sound of her favorite voice.

"That shouldn't come as a surprise," Julia said, causing Santana to brightly smile at the girl.  "Plus you saw me at the dress rehearsals."

"I know but you just...you look stunning," Santana gushed as Julia grinned back, walking toward the chocolate-eyed girl.

"And you look even more amazing," Julia tilted her head to get an even better angle on Santana who grabbed both of Julia's hands.

Santana bit down on her lip, trying to hide the smile from their castmates that surrounded them, but was wildly unsuccessful.

"You nervous?" Santana asked.

"A little bit," Julia shrugged, Santana quickly realizing that she was more than just 'a little bit' nervous when Julia looked down at her feet.

Even though she was perfect everytime, Santana knew that her girlfriend got butterflies everytime before she stepped onto stage, especially with such a big role.

"Hey," Santana started, Julia picking her head up to gaze into Santana's deep brown eyes.  "You're gonna absolutely kill it out there.  People are gonna forget that Berry's supposed to be the main character since you're gonna steal the show."

"Thanks," Julia blushed as Santana's stomach filled with butterflies at the sight of her adorable girlfriend.

"Come here," Santana beamed, releasing Julia's hands to pull the girl in for a tight hug, resting her chin on Julia's shoulder as Julia buried her face into Santana's dress.

The two pulled away after a few long seconds, Julia letting out a sigh.

"Hey, come on, we're gonna go congratulate Artie," Tina told the Latinas as she walked by them.

"Okay," Santana started, letting out a sigh of her own as she grabbed the flowers sitting on one of the vanities.  "Let's go."

"Hey, Artie, some of the cast needs to talk to you before we go on," Tina walked up to the boy as everyone began to gather around the director.

"See, it's mutiny," Artie told Emma, assuming the conversation would be negative.

"Dude, we have a problem," Puck started as Artie let out a sigh.

"We haven't officially thanked you for everything that you've done for us," Santana walked up to Artie with flowers, handing them to him with a smile that was mostly caused by her earlier moment with Julia.

Everyone began to clap for the Junior director as Santana took a step back to stand at Julia's side, her hand naturally falling into Julia's after a short applause.

"All of us were so nervous and we didn't know what we were doing, and you're like...the lighthouse that led us to the way," Tina said with a smile.

"But I didn't know what I was doing either," Artie told the performers before taking a deep breath.  "When you're in a chair, it's hard to ever feel like you've grown up.  Everyone's always doing stuff for you, get freaked out about saying the wrong thing, so they coddle you.  Sometimes it's hard to ever picture a life of being totally self-sufficient.  But directing you guys, the way you trusted me, the way you looked at me and listened, it's the first time in my life I've felt like a grown man.  This is the greatest gift you could give a guy, so...so thank you guys for the flowers, and for everything.  Alright, show circle!"

Everyone gathered around putting their hands in the middle as Julia and Santana exchanged a pair of smiles.

"May I, chief?" Puck asked as Artie nodded in response.  "Let's kick some ass!"

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