3x07 I Kissed A Girl - Offices, Hallways, and Bathrooms

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These chapters are mostly unedited because they're so long and there's so many of them that I don't really feel like going back and re-reading all of them cause I'm tired, but I hope you enjoy them!

Also, sorry they took so long to finish, but life can be a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes and this past week was one of those times.

"I'm sorry, but since a student had lit firecrackers stuffed down his pants three years ago, we've had a zero-tolerance physical bullying policy," Figgins told Santana who stood in front of his desk, Mr. Schue and Shelby behind her with Finn sitting on a couch against the wall.

"Is that why you've suspended all the kids who have been tossing slushies in our faces for the past two years?" Santana sarcastically questioned.

She was still fuming over what had gone down in the auditorium yesterday, but all that was currently on her mind was if Julia was okay and where she was.  She hadn't seen her girlfriend at all that day and the only thing Santana was interested in doing was comforting her Julia.

So you can imagine how angry she was to be in Figgins' office instead.

She didn't think she needed to be in the Principal's office.  She hadn't even slapped Finn that hard.

"Slushies are not on the school board's approved list of suspend-worthy weapons," Figgins told the Latina.

"Here's what you have to understand: I didn't do it," Santana shrugged, shaking her head.

"We all saw what happened," Mr. Schue said, Santana looking over her shoulder at the teacher, her ponytail whipping from one shoulder to the other.  "You slapped Finn in the face, unprovoked."

While the first part of that statement was correct, the last word wasn't.  She was definitely provoked.

"No, you see, you don't get it," Santana told her Spanish teacher.  "When I get really pissed off, Santana gets taken over by my other evil personality," Santana turned back toward the Principal.  "I call her Snixx.  Her wrath of words is called Snixx juice, Julia can vouch for me.  I'm kind of like the Incredible Hulk," Santana shrugged.  "You can't blame me for anything Snixx does."

"I'm suspending you and this...Snixx for two weeks.  No argument," Figgins told the girl who's rage progressively increased.

"Sectionals is next week.  If you suspend me, I won't be able to beat Grimace and Mr. Schue's butts!  Ms. Corcoran, I highly recommend you do something about this," Santana turned to the female teacher, but Shelby just stood with crossed arms.

"I'm sorry Santana, Sectionals is important, but you need to be punished for what you did!" Mr. Schue told the brown-eyed girl.

"I hate to say it, but I agree," Shelby nodded.

"This is garbage!  Hamburglar Finn is fine!" Santana shouted, throwing her hands up in the air.

"She didn't slap me," Finn finally rose from the couch he was seated on.

Everyone in the room threw the Quarterback weird and confused looks, Santana furrowing her eyebrows, unsure as to why the boy would come to her rescue.

"I know that it looked and sounded like she did, but she didn't," Finn walked toward Figgins' desk with his usual dopey smile.  "W-What is it called in a play or a movie when you pretend to hit someone but you don't?" Finn turned and asked Shelby.

"Um, a stage slap?" Shelby questioned.

"It was a stage slap, that's what it was!" Finn exclaimed, spinning around to face Santana and the Principal.

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