3x07 I Kissed A Girl - Vice President and Cheerios

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"Hey, Julia," Blaine said, walking up to the green-eyed girl who promptly shut her locker.

"Well if it isn't Blaine Warbler," Julia replied with her usual expressionless look, but this time, Blaine thought he saw a bit of a smile playing on her lips.

"I wanted to say that I'm really sorry about everything that went down," Blaine told the girl who simply nodded, leaning against the wall of lockers.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault or anything," Julia shrugged.  "Just that idiotic pastry bag, Finn."

"But it actually kinda is," Blaine nervously confessed, Julia quirking an eyebrow at the comment.  "You see...one day, a couple weeks ago, I stayed after school to help Kurt hang up campaign posters and when I was walking home...I saw you and Santana in the parking lot and you guys were kissing in her car."

Julia's lips slightly parted in shock, unsure how to respond.

"So you knew?" Julia asked, a blank expression painted on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, I knew," Blaine sighed, hoping and praying that the Latina wouldn't attack him once he uttered his next words.  "And I told Kurt."

"What?" Julia asked in a deep voice, her face instantly dropping as the words left Blaine's lips.  "Blaine!  What the fuck?  Why would you tell Kurt?" Julia exclaimed, standing up straight and taking another step toward Blaine.

"In my defense, I didn't know if you guys were out or something, so I asked Kurt...and obviously, you guys weren't out or anything, but he said he knew.  His 'gaydar was off the charts' or whatever," Blaine said, putting up air quotes as he continued to defend himself.

"Oh my god, and that's how Finn found out?" Julia guessed as Blaine hesitantly nodded.

The freckled girl let out a sigh as she rubbed her face with her hands in distress.

"Yeah, it was an accident, but hey, we didn't tell anyone else.  I'm really sorry, Julia," Blaine apologized yet again.

"You know what," Julia started, taking a deep breath and letting her hands fall to her sides.  "It's okay.  While I would totally beat your ass up, I'm not going to do that since you're cute and you're innocent, just like my Brit-Brit, and I would never beat Brittany up.  You guys are like...the sunshine twins or something.  So you have a pass, but don't take this for granted because if something like this happens again, I won't hesitate to break your nose.  You got me?"

"Yeah, I got you," Blaine smiled, more than glad Julia's fist wouldn't come into contact with his face the same way it did with Finn.  "And, uh, you can stop me if I'm overstepping or something, but I was just wondering, how are your parents going to feel about all of this?  I mean, have you come out to them yet?"

"No," Julia sighed, for some reason feeling as if she couldn't open up to the former Warbler.  "It's really not gonna go well when I tell them though.  I mean, my mom's religious and stuff, but I went through some tough shit last year and she was there for me and I think our relationship's a little better now, so it might take some time, but I think she'll eventually accept me.  My dad on the other hand..." Julia trailed off, not even wanting to think about how he would react.  "He's super religious and I don't think he'll ever really see me the same or let me live under his roof again."

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