2x17 Night of Neglect - The Benefit

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"Hold up!  Hold up!" Santana shouted, walking into the room of singers warming up to take the stage, reading off her phone.  "This just in, according to Sunshine's twitter, she's not coming and neither are any of her followers.  Plus, I've called Julia about ten times as she still hasn't picked up."

The night of the benefit had finally come and nothing was going to plan.  Santana had hoped that Julia had recovered from last night and could come and perform, but Julia hadn't even sent Santana a text.

"I told you she's evil!" Rachel said, referring to Sunshine.  "And what's up with Julia?  Is she just sulking about not getting the last solo spot which I have righteously deserved?" Rachel cockily bragged.

"I would shut your mouth right now, Berry," Santana snapped at the girl, causing Rachel to scoff and roll her eyes as Santana glared holes into the girl's head.

"I was just in the auditorium, there's like six people in there!" Puck walked into the room.  "I say we blow this whole thing off and hit the arcade.

There was a long moment of silence as Santana checked her phone for the hundredth time, praying that Julia had texted her back.  She hadn't.

"No, no, screw that," Finn stood up.  "These people paid to see us sing.  What's that saying?  The show's gotta go all over the place or something."

"You mean the show must go on," Rachel corrected the boy as Santana rolled her eyes, really only caring about Julia who she knew could save this shit show.

Santana looked down only to see Brad with an unimpressed look on his face.

"Finn's right you guys.  W-Whether there's six or 6,000 people out there, we still have to give it our all!  Okay, Tina, you're up first," Rachel said as Tina brightly smiled.

Santana sat down in the nearest chair, burying her face in her hands.  The glee club was going to need Julia to get through this hell of a night.

Santana needed Julia in order to get through this night.


"That's the worst I've ever felt in my entire life!" Tina cried out after having booed off the stage by a bunch of hecklers, but Santana was more occupied with the ringing of her phone, holding the device up to her ear and hoping that Julia would pick up.

She groaned when she heard Julia's ring tone that she had changed just for Santana.

"Stop calling me, Santana."

"I didn't think it was possible for people to hate us even more, we're calling this off," Artie said, Santana silently nodding with him.

Santana desperately wanted for all of it to be over so she could go over to Julia's place and hopefully get her back to normal again.  She had gone an entire day with all of the annoying glee club members and didn't think she would be able to do it again without her one true love.

She needed to hear Julia's angelic voice just once.

"Guys, I hate to say it, but I think we have to buck up," Mr. Schue told the group.  "Tina, I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but it's actually a really good lesson for us.  I mean, that's a part of show business guys.  Sometimes people can be really mean.  Think about what's going to happen if we have an unfriendly crowd at Nationals in New York.  And I'm sure there's gonna be some Vocal Adrenaline hecklers there too.  We need to find some strength and barrel through this.  And I may know a way to shut those hecklers up for a number or two."


"That was all kinds of awesome!" Mike said as he entered the choir room with Sam after his performance that did surprisingly well with the heckling audience.

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