2x12 Silly Love Songs - Happy Valentine's Day

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"Testing, 1, 2, 3, testing, 1, 2, 3, hi.  So, Happy Valentine's day everyone," Kurt stood on the small stage at the local Breadstix, speaking into a microphone, tearing Julia and Santana away from each other in the process.  "For those of you Breadstix patrons who don't know who I am, I am Kurt Hummel, and welcome to my first lonely hearts club dinner.  Whether you are single with hope,"

Yeah, with hope that Julia loves me just as much as I love her.

Santana thought, mindlessly staring up at the stage, her eyes flickering over to Julia every once in a while.

"Or are madly in love and are here because I forced you to come out and support me, sit back and enjoy.  And to all the singles out there, this is our year," Kurt finished before joining the other Warblers.

I hope that this is my year.

Santana thought once again before the Warblers began to sing.

The two best friends watched the group sing and Julia began to dance in her seat, causing Santana to giggle at the girl.  

Halfway through the song, Julia reached across the table for Santana's hands and began to over-exaggeratedly lip-sync the words.  Santana laughed at the girl a bit harder, but eventually got lost in her emerald eyes and perfect pink lips.

Eventually, Blaine stepped down from the stage and began to walk around the restaurant, singing lines to different members of the glee club.

"Love doesn't come in a minute."

And eventually, he landed on Julia and Santana.

"Sometimes it doesn't come at all."

Blaine gave the girls a weary look before they confusedly looked at the boy, Santana giving him a half-glare as it was not really what she wanted to hear at all.

But it disappeared when the Warblers all stepped off the stage and began to dance with the Mckinley high students, a couple boys dancing with each Latina.

Julia put her hands up in the air as a boy danced next to her, pressing his shoulder into hers.  Julia hooked an arm around the back of the boy's neck as another Warbler sang the lyrics to her.

Santana and Julia kept an eye on each other, making sure the other one didn't get too touchy with the choir of attractive boys.  The two best friends giggled with each other, their eyes eventually becoming locked with each other's as the boys went back up onto the stage.

Julia began to mouth the words to the song again.  Just a bit more seriously this time.

"I love you.  I can't explain, the feeling's plain to me, so can't you see?"

There was so much truth behind the words that the Latinas' smiles slowly dropped, lost in each other's faces, their eyes flickering down to each other's lips every now and again even if they were at opposite ends of the table.

As soon as the song was over, the restaurant clapped, but Julia didn't bother to turn around and face the Warblers.  Her eyes stayed fixed on Santana's face as they both lightly clapped.

Santana smiled at her best friend and mouthed a couple words back.

'Love you too.'


"Hey, your parents home?" Julia asked as Santana drove the two down her street.

"No, they're out on a date or something, you wanna stay?" Santana peeked over at her best friend who pulled out her phone.

"Yeah, Layton said he had to babysit his siblings, so I'm stuck with your ass," Julia joked as Santana sarcastically laughed.

"I'm just such a handful, aren't I?" Santana played along as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"You really are.  I texted my mom to tell her I'm staying over," Julia said with a smile.

They both knew that she was definitely going to spend the night.

"Okay, but seriously, that's totally a red flag," Santana told her best friend as she pulled into the driveway.

"What?  The babysitting?  I don't really give a shit," Julia shrugged, shoving her phone back in her pocket.

"Wait, what?  Why?  He's supposed to be your boyfriend," Santana furrowed her eyebrows, glancing over at her best friend who cursed herself for letting her lack of care for the boy slip.

"I mean...I trust him," Julia came up with the cheesiest, most bullshit reason she could possibly think of.

"That's bull," Santana called the freckled girl out as she got out of the car, Julia following in suit.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter.  I'm here with you instead of him, right?" Julia changed the subject.

"Yeah," Santana smiled to herself as she unlocked the front door, happy with her success over Layton.

The two girls ran up the stairs, it being instinctual after the many times they had done it, and they ended up in Santana's room at the end of the hall.  Santana used her foot to slam the door closed behind them as Julia flopped onto Santana's bed.

"I'm tired," Julia groaned, rolling onto her back as Santana walked toward the bed and stood over the girl.

"We didn't even do anything today.  We just ate chocolate," Santana said, sitting beside Julia.

"Being around Rachel is tiring in itself," Julia said as Santana giggled.

Julia wrapped her arms around Santana's waist and pulled her down on the bed so she was lying on her side next to Julia.

"Tell me about it," Santana said as she leaned down to delicately place her lips on Julia's.

Santana's hand went to the back of Julia's head, tangling her fingers in the girl's hair, as Julia's hand went to the back of Santana's neck.  When the two girls pulled away from the soft kiss, Santana held Julia's face in her hands.

The two girls simply stared into each other's eyes, mesmerized with each other.  There was a long pause before Julia eventually spoke up.

"I kinda want to just lie here with you," Julia whispered, Santana taking it as her cue to fall onto her back and Julia to move her head onto Santana's chest.

Santana's arms wrapped around Julia's sides, falling onto her stomach.  Santana simply stared at the girl's face from slightly above, Julia somehow looking even better from the angle.  Santana leaned down and kissed right above the girl's left temple.

"Happy Valentine's day," Santana whispered into the girl's skin as Julia shivered at the feeling of Santana's lips.

"Love you," Julia's eyes fluttered closed, content with everything in the moment as Santana softly smiled.

"Love you too, Jules."

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