2x21 Funeral - My Dork and My Loser

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A/N: so, for the name of our amazing foursome, I'm now kinda torn between The Fearsome Foursome and The Quartet Threat.  I think I'll just let you guys vote again, even if the first one won last time, just to make sure, and the winner of the vote will be the official name.

So vote below:

The Fearsome Foursome

The Quartet Threat

"You're clothes are done in the dryer!  Come get them out and fold them!" Julianna called out to her oldest daughter.

"Okay!  Give me a second!" Julia replied before grabbing a laundry basket and rushing out of her room, piling her clothes in the basket and racing back.

"What's got you in a hurry?" Julia's mom questioned, watching her daughter run down the hallway.

"Nothing!" Julia shouted back with the biggest smile she could muster up.

She stepped into her room, closing and locking the door behind her before letting out the breath she had been holding.

"You're cute," Santana told the girl, sitting up from Julia' bed and swinging her legs off the side.

Julia she admired the girl for a minute, Santana having changed into one of Julia's hoodies that stopped just before her knees.  Julia smiled to herself, Santana beaming back, as she fixed her messy bun and walked over to the love of her life.

"You're cuter.  Especially in my hoodie," Julia smirked before dumping the basket of clothes over Santana's head, the girl gasping as the clothes covered her face.  "Oh no, now they're dirty!" Julia exclaimed with a mischievous giggle.

"You're such a-" Santana didn't have time to finish as she threw a shirt as Julia, the green-eyed girl squealing and dodging it.

Santana brushed the clothes off of her and onto the bed as she shook her head with a playful eye roll.

"Oh, don't pretend that you don't love me," Julia gave Santana a soft and sweet smile that made the brown-eyed girl swoon.

"I can't," Santana replied before motioning Julia to come closer, the freckled girl gladly obliging.

"Good," Julia smiled, standing in between Santana's legs, Santana wrapping her arms around Julia's waist to pull her just a little bit closer.

Santana grinned back up at the girl as Julia leaned down to meet Santana's lips.

"Julia!" a sudden scream and banging on her door made Julia jump, her fingernails clawing to Santana's shoulder as she held onto the girl for dear life.

Santana bit her lip to hold back her laughter in fear that the person outside the door would her her.

"Why'd you lock the door?  Who are you talking to?" Isla pried, pressing her ear against the door as she waited for a response.

"Uh, I'm just talking to Santana...on the phone," Julia made sure to add, continuing to stare into Santana's chocolate eyes, trying to hold back a giggle at the funny face the girl was making in front of her.

"Tell her I said 'hi'!"

"Okay," Julia smiled down at Santana before she heard Julia skip away.  "Isla says 'hi'."

Santana playfully rolled her eyes once again before pulling her closer yet again.

"You're such a dork," Santana told the girl in front of her.

"Well, I'm your dork," Julia responded like in every cheesy romantic movie that she loved.

"Damn right you are," Santana smirked, Julia leaning down for the second time, hoping not to get interrupted this time.

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