2x06 Never Been Kissed - Puck vs. Julia

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Finn laid head back in his hot bath as both Sam and Layton got into ice baths on both sides of him.

"How do you guys stand that cold tub?" Finn asked the two sophomores next to him.

"I'm used to cold showers dating Quinn," Sam said.

"Damn, that sucks, dude," Layton responded.

"What about you, you getting anything from Julia?" Finn turned to his right to ask Layton.

"Well, we just made it official yesterday and I think we're taking things pretty slow cause we want it to work out, you know?  So nothing on this side," Layton sighed.

"Been there, dude.  Actually, still there now, but how did we find the only girls in high school that won't put out?  Well, you're getting it soon, Layton," Finn punched the curly-haired boy in the arm as he smiled.

"What do you do, though?" Sam asked.

"Well, easy.  I just think about the opposite of what I'm doing," Finn told the boys, explaining the story of how he hit a mailman with his car.

"I've never actually almost killed a civil servant though," the blond said as Finn smiled at the boys.

"Well, you have to find something to be your own buzzkill.  You know, something that is totally not hot," Finn said.

"I don't care!" Beiste yelled causing the three teenage boys to look over at their coach.  "If you're on this football team, you'll wear a cup, no exceptions!" she yelled at Artie.

"Hey, have you guys ever noticed when the Beiste gets all fired up her underpants go right up her butt?" Finn asked causing the sophomores to look at their football coach and witness what Finn was talking about.

"Looks like we've found our mailman," Layton said.

"Yes, you did," Finn assured causing the two sophomores to air fist bump each other and smirk.

This was not going to go down well with their girls.


"Alright guys, let's get down to business," Mr. Schue said as Kurt and Tina entered the choir room.  "First, let's welcome back Noah Puckerman."

There was a short round of applause but none from Julia as Santana and Puck had a weird relationship going on and Julia wasn't fond of it.

Puck leaned back in his chair before jumping at Artie, causing him to flinch.

"Puck, I hope your time in juvie has taught you lessons about right and wrong," Mr. Schue said.

"Are you kidding me?  I ruled that place and all I did was crack skulls and lift weights all day," Puck said before Julia piped up.

"What, five-pound ones?" Julia asked, not taking her eyes off of her nails as the kids around her laughed, and to her surprise, that included Santana.

"Oh, what a catch, I can't believe I ever let you go," Quinn sarcastically remarked, adding onto Julia's statement as she rolled her eyes and more laughs came from the class.

"And now, drum roll Finn," Mr. Schue continued, completely ignoring the high schoolers.  "Because I have in my hand our competition for sectionals next month," Mr. Schue said as the cheering started.  "First, the acapella choir from the all-boys private school in Westerville, the Dalton Academy Warblers," Mr. Schue said as he put on his reading glasses and the kids continued to cheer.

"Okay, hold up, like a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head," Santana remarked as Julia smiled at the Latina and Kurt gave Santana a glare.

"And the other team to beat, The Hipsters.  A first-year club from the Warren Township Continuing Education Program.  Now they are a glee club composed of entirely elderly people getting their high school GEDs," Mr. Schue said as Rachel was quick to comment.

"Is that legal?" she asked.

"How are we supposed to compete against a bunch of adorable old people?" Mercedes asked.

"Are you kidding?  Brittle bones.  Give one of those old ladies a good-luck pat on the rear, it'll shatter her pelvis," Puck said with a smirk.

"Sorry, why are you talking about sexually harassing poor, little, uneducated old ladies?" Julia leaned forward to say to Puck in the front row.

"Woah, you got a problem with all this hot stuff, girl?" Puck asked, gesturing to himself.

"Number one, my name is Julia, and number two, I have many, many problems with all that 'hot stuff'" Julia said, mimicking the boy as Santana put her hand out to high five which she gladly accepted.

Julia just wondered why Santana was being so accepting of all the rude things she was saying to her boyfriend.

"Moving on, since it seemed to get you guys jazzed about sectionals last year, I want to make this week our second annual boys versus girls tournament," Mr. Schue said as more cheers echoed throughout the room.

"So, split up into two groups and figure out what songs you're going to sing," Mr. Schue said as Layton left Julia's side, but not without placing a chaste kiss on her cheek that caused her to flush a deep shade of red.

"Okay, I have mash-up ideas in my head," Rachel shouted as loud as she possibly could, turning around to meet the foursome of Cheerios behind her.

"Kurt, gonna say it again," Mr. Schue started, his back facing the teens.  "Boys team," he said as Kurt left the girls huddle and joined the boys'.

"Alright, alright, so-" Rachel started.

"I'm already tuning her out," Julia whispered in Santana's ear causing Santana to smile back at her best friend.

"Oh, I was tuning her out the moment she walked into this room."


"Hey, so what's with you and Puck?" Julia asked, getting straight to the point as the two girls strutted down the hallway.

"I don't know, we just have sex every now and again and that's really it I guess," Santana shrugged.

"So...you don't like him?" Julia said, her eyes still fixated forward but Santana's now on the freckled girl.

"Why?  Do you not want me to like him?" Santana asked.

"Uh..." Santana smirked at Julia's hesitation.  "I mean, I don't really care but...Puckerman is just kinda annoying, y'know?" Julia asked.

"Mhmm," Santana hummed, unconvinced.

"Shut up," Julia remarked, hearing her friend's tone, as Santana laughed at her best friend.

"Uh, no."

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