3x04 Pot O' Gold - Girlfriend

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Santana watched Julia inhale pieces of shrimp one by one, sitting across from the green-eyed beauty at Breadstix.  She rested her chin in her palm and planted her elbow on the table, a small smile decorating her face as she gazed at Julia.

"You're staring," Julia mumbled between bites of shrimp, not even picking her head up but knowing how Santana's cheeks flushed a deep red.

"Well I can't help myself.  You look really pretty," Santana sighed, her smile slowly growing as Julia picked her head up and her eyes met Santana's.

"Yeah, I must look absolutely stunning with all this cocktail sauce on my face," Julia sarcastically remarked before rubbing her mouth with the back of her hand.

"You do though," Santana told the girl as Julia tilted her head to the side and shook her head in denial.  "Yes you do."

"Oh stop, I'm blushing," Julia dramatically said, covering her cheeks with her hands as Santana giggled at the girl.

"But seriously, have you asked Brit about Shelby's new group yet?" Santana asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"Yeah, I talked to her about it, but she said that she doesn't want to be a quitter and wants continuity in her presidential campaign or something, I don't know," Julia shrugged, piling yet another piece of shrimp in her mouth.  "But she wanted a day to think it over."

"That's okay, I know you won't leave without her," Santana said, knowing how much Brittany meant to her best friend and secretly thinking that their friendship was the cutest thing ever.  "And I won't leave without you."

"Yeah," Julia sighed, a small smile on her face at Santana's last few words.  "But then she went on about how her leprechaun could help her make the decision," Julia said, grinning at the thought of her innocent blonde friend.

"Wait, she thinks that Great Gazoo kid is a leprechaun?" Santana asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, she thinks that he's made of magic cause he's from Ireland," Julia giggled, the sound being music to Santana's ears, but a slight frown appearing on Santana's face that the Irish boy had to be brought up in their conversation.  "She thinks she has three wishes and It's super cute honestly.  For her first wish, she asked for a box of Lucky Charms but with just the marshmallows.  And he was so sweet he gave one to me too and even tried to ask me out to dinner-"

"Oh, I know," Santana mumbled, slightly mad as she took a bite of her pasta.

Julia simply stared at Santana in confusion, having no memory of telling Santana, she wondered how she had already figured it out.  But when Julia finally realized, her face lit up.

"Oh my god, you were eavesdropping on us," Julia grinned as Santana looked down at her plate of food.  "And you were totally jealous!" Julia excitedly exclaimed.

"Maybe, but in my defense, you were totally oblivious," Santana argued, crossing her arms and looking up to meet Julia's bright eyes.  "He's hopelessly crushing on you."

"Well, I'd never actually go to dinner with him or leave you for anyone else," Julia said, her voice going soft as a smile slowly grew on Santana's face and she played with her straw.  "I know I messed up last year with kissing Sam and all, but I was confused and angry," Julia shrugged.  "But not anymore.  Cause I know that I love you more than anyone.  Even Beyonce."

Santana giggled and shook her head at Julia who grinned at the sound of the brown-eyed girl's laugh.

"Yeah, well, that's what I wanted to talk about," Santana muttered once her laughter had died down, her mood suddenly becoming more serious as Julia quirked an eyebrow.  "Are..." Santana trailed off, staring down at her plate, taking a deep breath, before looking back up into those familiar green eyes.

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