2x10 A Very Glee Christmas - Christmas Fails and Christmas Miracles

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A group of Cheerios, the iconic foursome leading the pack, passed a crowd of football players and Julia stopped one of them.

"Hey, Mike, can I talk to you for a minute?" Julia asked the Asian boy who nodded as the two gestured to their groups, telling them to move along without him.

Layton gave the pair a jealous glare, hoping that when she had stopped the football players she would've asked to speak to him.  But why would she after the heck of a show in the auditorium.

Meanwhile, Santana looked on at the two, trying to read Julia's expression, but for some reason, she couldn't tell the girl's intentions.

Quinn, on the other hand, gave Julia a sly thumbs up in which the Latina half-smiled at before looking back to the boy in front of her.

Julia finally would be carrying out the plan that Quinn had come up with.

"So, what's up?" Mike asked as the pair leaned on the wall of locker nearby, students parting to let the football player and cheerleader stand.

"I kinda have a favor to asked," Julia said, twirling her curled ponytail around her finger.  "Things are kinda rocky with Layton and me," Julia paused.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Mike sympathetically responded.

"No worries, but, uh, I was wondering if you could help me," Julia said.

"With what?"

"I kinda wanted to make him jealous, and I was hoping you could...help with that.  I mean, it might help you with Tina too.  Getting her a little jealous won't hurt," Julia shrugged, praying that Quinn's plan would work.

In reality, she didn't want to make Layton jealous of course but hoped it would make Santana a little bit more jealous and maybe even get her to confess some feelings.  But that was very unlikely.

"Jules, I totally would but-"

"Mendoza!" Mike and Julia looked over to see Tina angrily approaching them.  "You trying to steal my man?  Just because you're a pretty and popular cheerleader doesn't mean you can go and try to seduce other people's-"

"Tina, calm the hell down.  You were a little more tolerable after your whole goth thing started to calm down, but now, every time I'm around you, I literally want to bang my head against a brick wall," Julia quickly insulted the Asian girl who overdramatically gasped.

"You're letting her say this to me?  Letting her seduce you?" Tina angrily asked her boyfriend.

"I-I-I-" the poor boy stuttered.

"You know what?  I've had it with both of you!" Tina angrily yelled before storming off.

Once she was out of earshot, Mike quickly concluded his conversation with the Cheerio.

"Yeah, that's kinda the reason I can't really help you, but I hope things work out with you and Layton," Mike said before dashing down the hall after his girlfriend.

"It's fine," Julia said, but more to herself since Mike was long gone.  "Everything's just dandy," Julia sarcastically muttered to herself as she leaned her head back and sighed.

"Why me?"


"This is my dad's," Finn said, holding up the watch in front of his face.

"He'd want you to do it.  For those kids," Mike persuaded Finn into dropping the watch into the hat that Mike was using to collect the watches.

"This was my uncle's.  It's the first thing I ever stole, actually," Puck said before leaving his watch in the hat, Sam and Layton doing the same shortly afterward.

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