2x03 Grilled Cheesus - Addictive Party Distractions

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The party anthem of the year "Like a G6" blared over speakers way too loud for anyone to actually hear what the person next to them was saying. Ironic since not many people seemed to actually be dancing, but were instead trying to make conversation by shouting over the music.

So, when Santana said something to her and began to drag her through the crowd, all Julia saw was a pair of perfectly red lips moving before she was being crushed by sweaty bodies.

Santana easily guided Julia to the kitchen as she had been in the Puckerman household many times before, where the music was a bit quieter. The counters were lined with half-empty red solo cups and bottles of various alcohol Puck had scored using one of his college friends' IDs.

"There should be some empty cups in that cabinet up top," Puck slid in between the two with a cup of liquor in each hand, breaking the Latina's locked hands.

"Thanks," Santana glanced over at him with a hefty smirk, Julia already completely over this party.

Santana grabbed two solo cups, finding a random bottle of alcohol and pouring a sizeable amount in each. She handed one off to Julia who was clearly unimpressed by the way Puck was not only blatantly checking Santana out, but the way his eyes trailed under her own skirt as well.

But as soon as that, Puck handed Julia one of his cups, though the girl was reluctant to take it and could barely hold it in her left hand, before using the now free hand to grab Santana's hand and drag her back toward the crowd they came from.

Just before Santana disappeared in the sea of high schoolers, Santana looked over her shoulder back at her best friend.

"Don't do anything stupid!" Santana shouted with a stern expression that quickly faded away for a goofier one.

And just like that, Santana had ditched her. Just as Julia had predicted.

The freckled girl rolled her eyes at her current situation, placing the cup Puck had given her onto the counter and finding a bit of empty space to her right where she heaved herself onto the countertop. She wildly swung her legs around as a simple method of entertainment since none of the boys gawking at her would ever satisfy her.

Julia quickly downed the cup Santana had poured for her of what tasted like cheap rum without a problem, before pouring herself another. And from her slightly higher point of view, Julia noticed Puck and Santana all over each other at the edge of the crowd.

Julia held her newly full drink up to her lips, biting the rim of the cup as she stared at the two. His large hand was grabbing at her lower back, only pulling Santana closer as she swept her hand down his chest, giggling like a maniac.

Her teeth dug into the plastic even harder watching the way Puck's hand moved even lower as Santana took a swig of her drink. And even harder when Santana looked like she was enjoying it, her free arm draping over one of his shoulders.

Julia couldn't hear their conversation, though she knew it was dumb by the way Puck smirked like an idiot and Santana continued to uncontrollably laugh her ass off.

Julia couldn't help but clench her jaw and gnaw even tougher, the plastic rim preventing her bottom row of teeth from scratching off the top ones. She kept biting down harder and harder as their advances on each other became greater and greater, before:


Julia instantly relaxed her jaw and pulled the cup away from her mouth, a red blur falling to the ground. She had somehow managed to bite a whole chunk of plastic off the cup.

She finally peeled her eyes away from the pervy Fuckerman and her best friend, intensely staring down at the tiled floor and the piece of red plastic that seemed to be some sort of extravagant metaphor in Julia's spiraling brain.

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now