2x21 Funeral - Backseats, Dates, and Promises

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"Hey, could you wait in the car? I need to talk to Sam about something," Julia told Santana as the two walked out of the church behind most of the glee club.

"If trouty makes a move, I'm going to lose it," Santana warned Julia who simply smiled.

"I'll make sure he won't," Julia said, the two stopping in front of the building, face to face before the split off in different directions, Julia placing a hand on Santana's chest. "I just need to finish things off with him."

"So you're gonna kill him?"

"Oh, shut up," Julia pulled her hand back from Santana's chest to lightly hit the girl, Santana pouting at the action. "I'll see you in a minute."

Julia leaned forward to place an airy kiss to Santana's forehead before letting go of her hand and walking off in the direction of Sam's car. Santana watched the girl walk away with a light blush caused by the kiss and noticed that even the the green-eyed girl's walk was perfect. The way she strutted like she owned the world made Santana weak at the knees.

Even if she didn't actually own the world, she sure did own Santana's heart.

Santana slightly smiled before spinning on her heels and walking off to her car.

Julia took a deep breath as she covered the final stretch of land up to Sam's car. Julia noticed the blond in the driver's seat with Rachel in the passenger seat, Sam probably being her ride home.

Julia stood by the driver's side and quickly knocked on the window, earning both Sam and Rachel's attention. Sam rolled down the window with a cheesy smile on his face that would probably be wiped off in a couple seconds.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Uh, hi. I need to talk to you," Julia nervously tapped her foot, a growing habit of hers.

"Uh, okay," Sam's smile shrank just a little bit.

Even if he wasn't the smartest, he could tell the conversation wasn't going to be a super great one.

"Could you get out for a second so I can talk to him, dwarf?" Julia asked.

"Oh, yeah, sure, I needed to go to the bathroom anyway," Rachel promptly got out of the car, walking back inside the church as Julia walked around the car and opened the passenger door.

She took a deep breath as she stepped in the car and closed the door behind her.

"So, Sam," Julia paused.

"Yes?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Look, you're like the sweetest kid ever," Julia said as Sam cast her his signature grin. "And I love you...but as a friend."

Julia didn't really want to look the blond in the eye in fear of the sadness or even anger that would coat his features. But when she finally mustered up the courage to glance up at the boy, she saw a sad smile painted across his face.

"So I'm guessing this isn't going to go anywhere?" Sam asked as Julia slightly shook her head.  "You know what, that's okay.  I can tell your heart is somewhere else.  I just want you to be happy."

"I want you to be happy too, Sam Evans," Julia smiled, leaning in to give the boy a massive hug.  "And I hope we could still be friends cause we're a pretty awesome duo," Julia added as Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, we are pretty sick."

"Also, one more thing," Julia said, just before she was about to get out of the car.  "I think Mercedes is single and she's pretty cool.  Talk to her.  I think you two would be good for each other."

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