2x08 Furt - Wandering

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Layton was romantic in ways that seemed impossible for a 16-year-old.  He had snuck Julia out of his house, without his parents noticing, and the two had walked to the park where they watched the sunset, sitting on the cleanly cut grass as they watched the sunset and the stars take its place.

Julia sat in between Layton's legs who draped his arms over Julia's shoulders and pulled her closer to him by her chest.  The two of them leaned up against the lone tree in the field as they studied the stars together.  Well, Layton more so studied the girl sitting in his arms.  

"Hey, Jules," Layton leaned his chin on the shorter girl's shoulder who hummed in response.  "Two weeks ago, I remember the day exactly, I told you I was falling for you."

"And I said that I was falling for you too," Julia smiled at the sky, leaning her head back on Layton's chest.

"Well, these past 8 weeks have been the best of my life because I've gotten the chance to spend them with you.  I'm so happy that you looked over at me that day and I just so happened to catch your eye cause I would be totally lost in this school; in this city, without you.  And...I think I'm...in love with you.  I love your eyes, and your hair, and your smile.  I love the way you talk and the way you walk.  I love your attitude and how you can tell people off in two seconds.  And, my favorite part, I love your freckles" Layton said as Julia turned her head to the left to look Layton in the eyes.

Julia's mind couldn't help but wander and think about how Santana had said the same thing.

"And your freckles, las pecas, they're my favorite part."

"Lay, I love you too," Julia said, turning around to face the boy and straddle him as Layton's hands found their way to Julia's lower back.  "You're like...the sweetest boy I've ever met."

Sweetest boy.

"And I don't know what I'd do without you," Julia said as she leaned in to meet Layton's lips halfway and she felt that electricity running through her veins just as when Mrs. Schue had given her that dose of vitamin D last year.

Except this electric shock was way more addicting


"Ladies, the Kurt-Karofsky bullying situation is getting way out of control," Rachel said, her hand placed firmly on the piano in the choir room as she addressed Tina, Quinn, Brittany, and Julia.  "Kurt's miserable, he's losing weight and not in a good way, and he's barely even fighting me for solos anymore."

"We've all been teased, but something about what Karofsky's been doing is so much worse," Tina said as Julia was completely out of it.

She was exhausted after spending all of last night with Layton and barely getting any sleep because when she tried to, all she could think about was Layton.  And Santana of course.  Every night she thought about Santana.

"We're all lucky enough to have boyfriends on the football team.  I say we band together and demand that they confront Karofsky," Rachel said, holding her fist up.

"You're actually crazy," Julia scoffed, knowing that just 5 measly football players, one in a wheelchair, couldn't stand up to Karofsky and his wrath.

"Okay, first of all I'm not dating Sam-"

"You sure about that?" Julia teasingly asked Quinn who glared at her before continuing.

"And second of all, I think you personally just set the feminist movement back 50 years," Quinn said.

"But guys like Karofsky only respond to muscle," Rachel said.

"So we're going to fight violence with violence?" Julia asked, unconvinced.

"No, look, I'm not saying that-that they should hit him, what I'm saying is that we need to defend Kurt and there's strength in numbers," Rachel said.

"I'm confused, are you and Artie officially dating now?" Tina leaned over Quinn and Julia to ask Brittany.

"Deal with it," Brittany said before she leaned behind Quinn and Julia to whisper something to Tina.

"When you guys fool around does he ever just lie there?" Brittany asked but didn't give time for Julia to comment since Santana entered the room with a confused expression.

"Why didn't you tell me we were having a glee girls meeting?" Santana asked Rachel.

"Well this is a meeting for glee girls with boyfriends, we're going to make them stop Karofsky from bullying Kurt," Rachel said as Julia put her head in her hands, already knowing where this conversation was going to go.

"Okay, I'm dating Puckerman," Santana said.

"You're getting naked with Puckerman," Quinn commented as Santana crossed her arms and Santana looked at Julia for some support, the girls being on good terms now.

"Uh, but if anyone has enough power to stand up to Karofsky, it's Puck," Julia said, quickly thinking on her feet to help her best friend out who sent her an appreciative glance.

"But Puck can't mess with Karofsky, he's on probation.  If he gets in a fight with him, he'll be sent back to juvie," Tina said as Santana looked back at Julia who mouthed a 'sorry'.

"Mhmm, so now if you'll excuse us," Rachel said as Santana glared at all the girls in the room except for Julia of course.

"You're so on my list dwarf," Santana said before exiting the room, her arms still crossed.

Rachel said something else, but Julia didn't really listen as her eyes were still on Santana who was walking toward the door.

Santana looked back and made eye contact with Julia.  Santana smirked, realizing her best friend was staring as Julia blushed a bit, not breaking eye contact with her best friend.

The bell took Julia out of her thoughts about the Latina.  Julia jumped out of her seat and ran to Santana who waited for Julia at the door.  The two interlocked pinkies before Santana leaned over and whispered something in Julia's ear.

"Don't think I don't see your wandering eyes, Mendoza."

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