2x16 Original Song - Gorgeous Eyes

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Santana rolled over onto her side to face Julia who was already staring at her.  Even in the midnight darkness, they could see each other's bright smiles.  Santana found Julia's hand which was lying on the mattress and placed her's on top of it.

"You tired?" Julia asked, her bright green eyes illuminating the room.

"No, not really," Santana shook her head, even if it was a little past midnight.

Julia took that as her cue to keep talking.

"We never actually talked about what happened," Julia said, scooting a bit closer to Santana.

"What's there to talk about?  I love you," Santana smiled, the three words causing Julia to do the same.

They had been exchanging "I love yous" every two seconds, being in such a butterfly stage of their relationship.  They constantly wanted to make each other smile and just repeat those three words back.

"And I love you too, but...what's next?  I mean, you're with Sam, I'm with Layton..." Julia trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"Yeah, I told you I'm not ready to come out yet-"

"Me too, could you imagine the chaos? Vas a ir al infierno! (You are going to hell!)" Julia mimicked her father, causing Santana to let out a soft chuckle.

Even though Julia made a joke out of it, she was not looking forward to that day when she would tell her parents.

"Exactly, so I just say...things stay the same," Santana shrugged, still gazing into Julia's eyes.  "We'll stay in secret.  I can't really be your girlfriend since we're not single so..." Santana trailed off, but Julia beamed back at her.

She loved the thought of calling and Santana her girlfriend and she couldn't wait for that particular day to come.

"So you're not gonna get jealous?" Julia teased, wiggling her eyebrows, causing Santana to playfully hit her.

"No, I'll try and control myself.  You're not any better though," Santana told the freckled girl.

"I guess. But you have no reason to be jealous.  I just...don't like Layton in general.  He's racist, annoying, and constantly angry.  Like, what messed up childhood led to that?" Julia said with an eye roll, causing Santana to nod with her.

"You have no reason to be jealous either.  But hey, you can just stay away from the giraffe.  It's not like he can hold you captive and make you spend time with him.  I'd save you and beat his ass if that were to happen," Santana said, causing Julia to blush a bit.  "Plus, it makes people less suspicious, you know?  Like Berry, calling us out on our 'sapphic charm'," Santana added, it being her turn to roll her eyes.

"She just doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut," Julia shook her head.

"But enough of Yentl, I don't want to waste our time talking about her.  I just want to be with you," Santana adorably smiled as she pulled Julia closer.

"Me too," the girl grinned back before leaning in to peck Santana's lips.

"I love you," Santana whispered, keeping their faces just inches apart.

"I love you too."


"Guys, I've got some bad news," Mr. Schue said entering the choir room.  "You know how we decided on 'Sing' by My Chemical Romance for Regionals?"

Julia sighed, already knowing there was some sort of bad news coming.

"Well, I hold in my hand a cease and desist letter from the band.  We can't do it," Mr. Schue said, causing everyone else to sigh with Julia and many smiles to drop within the room.

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now