2x10 A Very Glee Christmas - Santa Claus and The Plan

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"What's up, Q?" Julia spun on her heels as everyone fled the classroom.

"So...what's with you and Layton?" Quinn got straight to the point, leaning on the piano.

"I don't know, I mean, I think you saw what happened in the hallway that day," Julia responded.

"Yeah, did you guys break up?" Quinn asked as Julia put her head in her hands.

"I...I don't know, I-" Julia let out a shaky breath, trying to prevent tears from streaming down her face, but a few escaped.

While Quinn couldn't see Julia's face, it being buried in her hands, she could tell that Julia was crying.  Quinn ran over to her friend and wrapped her in a big hug.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Quinn whispered into Julia's shoulder.

"I think...I think...I think I-I like her," Julia mumbled into Quinn's Cheerios uniform.

"Who's he-Oh!  Her," Quinn interrupted herself.  "So, are you like..." Quinn trailed off.

"Gay?  I don't know, and frankly, I don't really care," Julia said.  "It's just...why do I have to like her?  Why do I have to love her?  Out of any girl--any person on the planet, I love her.  My best friend.  This is going to ruin everything!" Julia exclaimed, her sobs becoming a bit louder as Quinn peaked out the door to make sure no one was watching her friend's break down.

"Everything's gonna be just fine, okay?  Cause I...I think she likes you too," Quinn told Julia causing her to pick her head up from Quinn's shoulder.


"I mean, she does stare at you, like, all the time and literally only talks about you and-"

"But we're just friends.  Really good friends," Julia wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"Then why do you two..." there was a long pause.  "Do the dirty," Quinn said and Julia laughed at the blonde and the way she said the three words.

"Because Santana Lopez would 'do the dirty' with any living, breathing human being," Julia said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Are you sure?  Because she probably likes it," Quinn said in a sing-songy voice causing Julia to giggle.

"You're crazy, Q," Julia playfully rolled her eyes.

"I am not!  She's totally into you and you're totally into her and you should totally ask her out!" Quinn exclaimed as Julia smiled before shaking her head.




"Why no?"

"Because I'd look stupid asking out a girl who doesn't even like me.  Plus, what if she said yes?  You know what happened to Kurt.  He got bullied out of this school.  I can't come out as...whatever I am and neither can she.  It's just...the reality we live in," Julia shrugged as if it didn't matter.

"Julia, you know it's going to eat you up inside.  It is eating you up inside.  At least find out if she likes you.  It won't hurt to try," Quinn said.

"Okay, but how would I do that?" Julia asked as Quinn smirked.

"I have just the plan."


"Can I be honest?  I don't understand the difference between an elf and a slave," Brittany whispered to an elf as Julia tried to hold back her giggles.

"I'm not sitting in that guy's lap," Quinn told the group, minus Brittany of course.

"Yeah, Santa's laps are really warm and it's creepy," Julia added.

"We all have to sit in Santa's lap. If Brittany sees that we all still believe, it will make her strong enough to withstand all of the Santa naysayers in the world," Artie said.

"Which is everyone over the age of six," Sam finished.

"I'm pretty sure this isn't gonna work.  That guy doesn't even look like Santa," Tina said and Julia tilted her head to the side, the only difference between the mall Santa and "real" Santa being his race.

"Okay, I'm just gonna ignore the slightly racist undertones," Julia said as Tina passed her a glare, and Julia rolled her eyes at the girl trying to look scary.

"Well, all Brittany is going to see is the suit," Artie ignored the Latina.  "She wants to believe in him."

The glee club looked over at Brittany who had a huge smile on her face and bounced up and down on the balls of her feet.

"'Cedes, get up there," Artie motioned to the Santa as Mercedes rolled her eyes and began to walk up to the mall Santa.

"Go, Mercedes, go, Mercedes, go," Brittany chanted as Mercedes unenthusiastically walked up to the Santa.

"Put a little pep in that step!" Julia teased causing the New Directions to snicker and Mercedes to turn around and glare at Julia.

"I've been a very good girl Santa.  I want a pony, and a doll that laughs and cries, and--one of us smells like McDonald's," Mercedes said before Lauren Zizes went up.

"I would like Puckerman to love me.  He's a fox.  I would also like sweet potato fries," Lauren said before Santana went up.

"I want bling.  I can't be any more specific than that.  Okay, wait, hold up.  Please tell me that's a roll of certs in your pocket," Santana said before climbing off of the Santa and walking back to the group.

It was Julia's turn next.

"I just want some cash.  Like, a huge stack.  One that a drug dealer would have. Also, I'd like a teddy bear for my little sister," Julia said before hopping off of the man and walking back toward Santana as Quinn passed her on her way up to Santa.

Quinn gave Julia a knowing look, knowing what she actually wanted for Christmas.

I just want to know if she loves me back.

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now