2x05 The Rocky Horror Glee Show - Wanky

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"I don't understand," Mr. Schue said, trying to have a private conversation with Carl, Emma, and Sue just a couple feet away from a group of students.

"Well, you guys have a hole to fill and I'm just trying to help fill it," Carl said as Julia waited for what was bound to come.

"Wanky," there it was.  

"Santana," Ms. Pillsbury scolded the teen as Julia couldn't help but laugh a bit as Santana smirked and the kids around them grinned at Santana's words.

"Well, you know, I just can't give you a role, you have to try out," Mr. Schue said, clearly wanting nothing to do with Carl.

"Fair enough, but I'll need a lady to sing to, Ems?" Carl questioned as the pair lovingly smiled at each other.

"Uh, okay," Ms. Pillsbury replied.

"Get a room!" Julia added causing everyone around her to omit a couple giggles before the performance started.

"Hot patootie, b flat," Carl told the band before grabbing Ms. Pillsbury's hands and beginning to dance with her.

During the performance, almost everyone got out of their seats and began to dance with their significant other.  Well, except for a couple people of course.

Layton dragged Julia out of her seat and the two began to dance around like madmen.  Layton spun Julia circles until she was so dizzy she could barely stand.  There wasn't a single moment during the performance where Julia wasn't laughing or smiling.

Meanwhile, Santana had to settle, once again, for Brittany as a dance partner, stealing glances of Julia and Layton from the corner of her eye.  She missed the times when she was the one to dance with Julia and make her smile and laugh like she was now.

But before Santana had any more time to think about it, the number ended.  All the kids began to cheer as Layton lifted Julia in the air and spun her in a circle causing Julia's giggles to fill the room.

"No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, this will not do!" Sue intervened as Julia's smile dropped.

"Here we go," Julia whispered into Layton's ear.

"Excuse me?" Carl asked, on the floor and out of breath.

"For this musical to continue we need a Frank N Furter, not an Eddie.  Eddie was eliminated in my rewrites," Sue said as Julia rolled her eyes and hopped up onto the piano to take a seat as she knew this was going to be a long one.

Mike wasn't able to play Frank N Furter for some reason that was unexplained to Julia, but she didn't really care.  Though Julia was just a bit upset at how down Mike seemed to be about it.  She had actually formed a friendship with the football player and Layton wasn't too fond of it.

Layton moved closer to the girl and wrapped an arm around the girl's lower back which made her feel oddly relaxed yet energetic at the same time.

"Sue's right, you want to play in our sandbox, sing a Frank N Furter number," Mr. Schue glared at Carl.

"Well, I'm sorry bro, but I think it's fine for you to wear the Frank N Furter bustier in the privacy of your own home, I'm freaky like that.  But don't you think it's inappropriate in a high school musical?  I mean, at least if I play Eddie I won't have to grind on all the students," Carl said causing Santana to slowly raise her hand but Mercedes to push it back down.

Julia couldn't help but glare at the girl when the two made eye contact.  Santana smirked back at Julia before mouthing 'You wanna piece of him too?' causing Julia to roll her eyes and look back over to Layton who smiled at her and randomly kissed her cheek which caused Santana to glare at her this time.  Except Julia didn't notice.

"Sorry, but we already have an Eddie," Mr. Schue informed the man.

"Actually, uh, Mr. Schue, I was going to tell you and the class today that my parents aren't letting me do the musical," Layton scratched the back of his neck.

"What?" Julia snapped her head over to the boy who just frowned at her and mouthed a 'sorry'.

"Still, we need a Frank N Furter much more," Mr. Schue recovered.

"But, you know, Eddie is an important role, if I did it I'd be showing my support for the arts," Carl trailed off as Mr. Schue stood up.

"You trying to tell me how to direct my show?" Mr. Schue asked, feeling threatened by the dentist as Mr. Schue tried to put up a hard exterior.

"Well, well-" Carl started but was interrupted.

"Mr. Schue, I'd like to play Frank N Furter," Mercedes said as almost everyone in the room looked at her with either shock or confusion.  "I was re-reading the script yesterday and it said 'don't dream it, be it' and it's my dream to play a lead role so I figured why not me?  I mean, I'd be all kinds of crazy sexy in that outfit and I could reinterpret the number a little bit and make it more modern," Mercedes told her teacher as all the kids in the room smiled at her.

Including the band kids.

"I'd really like the chance, Mr. Schue" Mercedes finished.

"Well, there you go Will, you killed two birds with one stone here today," Sue said, placing a hand on Will's shoulder.  "Congratulations, so you've got yourself a Frank N Furter and an Eddie,  this is outstanding," Sue said as the glee club erupted into cheers.

Mr. Schue just sourly looked at Carl before shaking his hand.

Little did they know that Santana was giving Layton the same look.

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