2x11 The Sue Sylvester Shuffle - Perfect

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Julia talked to Quinn at her locker before they both jumped when it suddenly slammed close.

"How the hell could you two do this?" Finn angrily asked as the blonde and the brunette linked pinkies.

"Oh, don't get all up in our faces, Finn.  What were we supposed to do?" Quinn asked as the two Cheerios quickly walked away from the quarterback.

"Uh, quit Cheerios?" Finn said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.  "Coach Sylvester is awful to you guys and don't forget who was there for you the last time she dumped you on your ass.  Us, glee club!"

Quinn and Julia turned around, their pinkies still interlocked as Julia was a bit pissed at the boy for yelling at not only her, but Quinn too.

"And you don't think that we feel awful about that?" Julia got up in the taller boy's face.

"You don't have to be a Cheerio to be cool," Finn calmed down a bit at the presence of the scary girl.

"Oh, you're so naive!  This whole school is about labels!" Julia shouted.

"Wow, I never realized you guys were so freakin' weak!" Finn exclaimed as Julia raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, so we're-" Quinn started to defend her friend but was quickly interrupted.

"What did you just say?" a voice said from behind Finn, causing him to turn around.

He was met face-to-face with both Layton and Sam.

"All the Cheerios quit Glee club," Finn told the sophomores.

"So why are you yelling at our girlfriends about it?" Sam asked.

"I'm yelling at them because I'm the leader of this team!" Finn said as Julia scoffed.

As if that was a good reason.

"Well maybe it's time for a change at the top," Sam said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Finn asked.

"This is kinda hot actually," Quinn said but Julia stayed silent.

To be honest, she didn't really care for the confrontation by their boyfriends since she thought that she could definitely handle the situation by herself.  And plus, after Layton's outbursts, Julia didn't think he was hot at all.

"It means, that maybe the reason everyone hates us at this school is because we need some new leadership! Face it, you've had your feet in both worlds for a year and never have been able to bring them together!  Maybe someone else could," Layton yelled.

"What?  As in maybe you two?" Finn asked, clearly fuming.

"As in yes," Layton responded.

"Well maybe we should settle this right now," Finn said.

"Bring it," Sam said, lightly shoving Finn.

"Brung," Finn shoved the blond back a bit harder and Julia couldn't hold back a laugh at how stupid Finn sounded.

Layton quickly shoved Finn back after he touched his best friend.  

"Oh, you want some more of that?" Finn asked as he pushed both of the boys backward, each of them recovering and shoving Finn right after.

"Really guys?" Quinn asked, clearly annoyed by the three boys just as Julia was.

"Really?" Julia repeated, crossing her arms.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Mr. Schue ran in and held the three boys away from each other.  "How many fights do I have to break up this week?  Now calm down.  And get back to glee club," Mr. Schue grabbed Sam and Finn by their letterman jackets and pushed them away.

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now