3x11 Michael - WWMJD?

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"Rachel and Kurt are gonna annoy me to death," Julia sighed, approaching her girlfriend at her locker.

"What are the grandmas up to now?" Santana quirked an eyebrow as she took a short glance of Julia before continuing to shove books in her locker.

"They're constantly going on and on about NYADA," Julia said, sounding exhausted.  "Our finalist letters are supposed to come this week and none of us have gotten ours yet."

"I'm sure you'll get one, you have Cheerios co-captain and vice president and a nice GPA on your resume," Santana reassured Julia.  "I don't know about Diane Warren and Miss Priss though."

"I don't know," Julia shrugged her shoulders, turning so her back rested against the lockers and capturing Santana's full attention.  "I mean, the only reason I applied was cause, one, NYADA's in New York and I love it there, and two, I had absolutely no idea what I was gonna do after graduation and I needed to get applications out.  I don't really even know anything about NYADA.  I even had to put 'undecided' for my major on my resume."

"What's wrong with being undecided?" Santana furrowed eyebrows, wondering why Julia said the statement as if it was the worst thing in the world.

"Cause colleges like to know that you have some sort of path you wanna pursue and you have your life on track or something like that," Julia shrugged her shoulders, letting out a distressed sigh.  "And that's the exact opposite of me; I have no idea what I'm gonna do with my life."

Santana shut her locker, gazing into Julia's eyes as the freckled girl stared straight ahead at the other wall, occasionally glancing back at Santana.

"Julia, trust me, that shit doesn't matter, okay?" Santana said, turning her body so she rested her back on the lockers beside Julia, reaching out and grabbing the freckled girl's hand.  "I mean, I already said it, you have a packed resume.  NYADA would be crazy not accept someone like you."

"Even if I do get accepted, what happens then?  Cause at some point I need to choose a major but I have no clue what that would be," Julia ran her hands through her hair, Santana clearly noticing that Julia was just overthinking everything since she was already nervous about her finalist letter arriving.  "I mean, I'm obviously not gonna major in something stupid like English  if they even offer that, I wanna perform."

Santana nodded with a small smile, intertwining her fingers with Julia's.

Julia's love for performing was unmatched and that fiery passion was one of the many reasons why she loved Julia.  Well, it was matched and overpowered by her love for Santana.

"But then Berry and Hummel are such big theater nerds and they wanna take all these musical theater classes or whatever," Julia shrugged, her lips curling downward.  "And if NYADA's filled with people like them...I don't know if I'm gonna really find my place, you know?  I mean, I kinda like all that stuff, but I really don't wanna end up doing all broadway crap.  I wanna be a real performer who's up there on a stage like fucking Beyonce and...and it would be so cool to have fans screaming my name and the adrenaline and then you, sitting right in the front row or...or on stage with me!  We would put on one hell of a show," Julia excitedly exclaimed, Santana noticing how Julia's face lit up toward the end.

"Julia, I think you just described what you're going to do with your life," Santana told her girlfriend with a proud smile.

"Uh...what?" Julia questioned with a puzzled expression.

"Julia, you said it yourself, you just wanna perform.  Whether it's singing, or dancing, or acting, even cheer, you just wanna put on a show.  It doesn't matter if your dream is as specific as Berry's with her pink planner, wanting to get on Broadway at 20, and Tony by 25.  Stop comparing yourself to the other peasants around here that have crappy dreams which will never come true.  You're just better than them, it's as simple as that," Santana shrugged, a love-struck smile slowly appearing on Julia's face.  "Give NYADA go; take some singing classes, some dance, acting, whatever.  Cause trust me, when you get in there with all those kids who love performing as much as you do, you're gonna find your place and your dream is slowly gonna start to shape like Berry's.  Cause I said it once, I'll say it a million more times: I believe in you, Jules.  Just believe in yourself a little bit more."

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