3x03 Asian F - Spotlight

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"Five, six, seven, eight!"

"You're late," Mr. Schue looked away from his glee club and turned toward Mercedes who had just walked onto the stage, Booty Camp already underway.

"I know, I overslept," Mercedes sighed.

"It's 4:30 in the afternoon," Quinn said, back to her normal blonde state and in the glee club again, mainly because Shelby had made it a requirement in order for her to see her daughter, Beth.

"My alarm clock went off 30 minutes late this morning.  Kind of shifted my whole schedule," Mercedes shrugged, standing in front of Mr. Schue. "Anyway, what're Santana and Julia doing here?" Mercedes pointed over her shoulder to where the two Cheerios were standing with crossed arms.

"We've re-sworn our allegiance to the glee club," Santana said.

"Without telling Coach Sue," Julia added.

"Mercedes, I'll catch you up," Mike offered, Mercedes following the boy to the front of the stage as Brad began to play the piano and the New Directions watched.  "Five, six, seven eight, one two, three, four, five, six-"

Halfway through the short routine, Mercedes clutched her stomach and ran toward the trash can, keeling over it.

Julia scrunched up her face in disgust as vivid memories from Rachel's house party hangover and the terrible alcohol awareness assembly flooded her mind.

"Mercedes, you okay?" Mr. Schue asked, running to the girl's side and placing a hand on her back.

"My stomach hurts, I think I'm gonna be sick," Mercedes gagged.

"Why are you babying her?  I mean, she can't do three steps without puking cause she ate at Quizno's before she showed up in this joint," Santana said in her usual no-nonsense, bitchy tone.

"Mr. Shue, you have us scheduled to the second right now," Mercedes started, looking over her shoulder at the teacher.  "With school, Glee Club and Booty Camp, when else am I supposed to eat?"

"When the rest of us do," Santana sassed.

"Oh, like you eat!" Mercedes shouted at the girl.

Julia opened her mouth, stepping forward to shoot an insult back at Mercedes, but Mr. Schue beat her to it as Santana grabbed Julia by the arm and pulled her back to her side.

Santana would've loved to see Julia go off on Mercedes as a cause of Julia's overprotective ways, but she'd rather not have Julia and her kicked out of glee club again.  Though Santana did keep her hand on Julia's arm not only to hold her back, but also because she loved the contact.

"It's not about eating. It's about attitude," Mr. Schue told Mercedes before turning to the rest of his students who stood off to the side.  "Sectionals are coming up, and if we don't give it our all-"

"I am doing my best," Mercedes interrupted the teacher.

"No, you're not. It's not about doing your best anymore, it's about doing better," Mr. Schue sternly told the girl as Julia furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well, Mr. Schue," Julia started, not being able to resist the urge to finally open her mouth as Santana tightened her grip on her best friend just so she didn't do anything stupid.  "Then why isn't Rachel here?  God know she's about as terrible as a dancer as her boyfriend Frakenteen over here," Julia nodded over to Finn who looked down at his feet.

"This isn't about Rachel."

"Except it is!" Julia exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air.  "You have no problem singling out any member of this club that isn't Rachel!  Might as well adopt her or something," Julia scoffed.

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