3x01 The Purple Piano Project - Lunch Disasters

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Julia found herself between Santana and Mike at their lunch table, giggling like a crazy person as she stole pieces of Santana's brownie and shoved them in her mouth.  Santana playfully hit the girl but couldn't help but laugh with Julia, knowing how much of  a sweet tooth she had and loving the way her laughter filled her ears.

"Why are you guys ignoring Mr. Schuester's assignment?" Rachel suddenly walked to the table, pulling Santana and Julia away from each other.

"Wait, there's a purple piano in here?" Finn cluelessly asked with a mouthful of food.

"Wow, how did any of us miss that?" Julia sarcastically asked before stealing yet another piece of Santana's brownie, the brown-eyed Latina smiling and shaking her head at her best friend.

"Okay, we have to do the number, okay?" Rachel argued.

"We have to survive lunch.  It's not fair that Mr. Schue put the piano in here, it's too much pressure," Artie said, adjusting his glasses.

"I agree, that is like wearing a red dress to a bull fight," Kurt added.

"The point of the assignment was to find people who couldn't help but join.  The more people we sing in front of, the more chances we have of getting one, okay?  It's simple mathematics," Rachel said.

"Which I stopped attending years ago," Puck said.

"No, no, hold on, Rachel's right," Finn started, Rachel brightly smiling down at him as Julia rolled her eyes.  "How's anyone supposed to believe we can go to Nationals if we don't believe in ourselves?"

"Thank you," Rachel beamed, Finn smiling back before nodding over at the band who was already conveniently set up in the cafeteria.

"Here we go, ruining our social lives yet again," Julia told Santana with another eye roll, Santana letting out a sigh before the two stood up from their seats, Julia making sure to sneak one last bite of Santana's brownie.

Julia's taking all of Rachel's parts because we need a Julia, Santana, Brittany number in our lives and who gives a fuck about Rachel anyway?

Julia: See the people walkin' down the street

Julia started off the song, jumping onto one of the lunch tables and walking across it, Santana and Brittany not far behind.

Julia: Fall in line just watchin' all their feet

Julia bent down to ruffle a boy's hair, the kid clearly having a good time with Julia Mendoza touching him while his girlfriend wasn't.  And neither was Santana who quickly ran over to the green-eyed girl to distract her.

Julia stood back up and grabbed Santana's hand, singing the rest of her part with her hand in Santana's

They don't know where they wanna go
They're walkin' in time

New Directions:
They got the beat
They got the beat
They got the beat
Yeah, they got the beat

Julia, Santana, and Brittany all easily fell into a short-lived dance routine from on top of the lunch table, the rest of the New Directions joining in from the ground.  While the two girls had let go of each other's hands, Santana quickly grabbed Julia's hand once again and dragged the freckled girl behind her as she sang her part.

All the kids just gettin' out of school
They can't wait to hang out and be cool
Hang around 'til quarter after twelve

Santana briefly released Julia's hands in order to hug the girl into her side before she sang the last line of the verse, falling in love with the beautiful smile painted on Julia's face yet again.

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