3x11.5 The Jantana Plan - Locked In Pt. 2

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Mostly unedited cause I couldn't be bothered

"I want more!" Julia giggled as she threw her head back in a fit of mellow laughter, the sound being music to Santana's ears.

"Nooooooo, you're not getting any more," Santana dragged her words out with a playful smile, leaning forward and grabbing the last mini bottle of cabernet, which was almost half empty, before leaning her back against the wall again, outstretching her bare legs.

"Aww, come on, you're no fun," Julia attempted to guilt her ex into handing over the alcohol by sending Santana her best pout and puppy dog eyes as she rested her weight on her hands.

But she was wildly unsuccessful, a goofy smile creeping onto her face.

Both Latinas were in an unavoidable state of euphoria as they inhaled the lasts of their prepared dinner, the two being pretty tipsy and on the verge of a drunken state, though Santana was just a little more sober than her freckled counterpart.

The food and mostly the alcohol had eased the tense and high strung environment in the elevator, the girls beginning to converse a bit more and trade their equally as dumb and cringe-worthy dad jokes.  Though they both loved and found humor in each other's stupid and typically unfunny jokes.

"I just don't want you to get blackout drunk and do something stupid," Santana defended herself, her lips curling upward even more as she studied Julia in all her intoxicated perfection. 

Santana swooned at the adorable way Julia chewed on her bottom lip just to keep herself entertained all while holding back her enormous grin, further observing Julia's effortless beauty when the freckled girl ran her fingers through her long hair which she had released from the tight, constraining hold of her hair tie.

"Come on, what stupid things could I do in this boring elevator?" Julia quirked an eyebrow.

"I don't know, you're Julia, you'll figure out a way to do something stupid," Santana shrugged.

"You scared?" Julia smirked in amusement as she tilted her head to the side, taking in every last one of Santana's perfect features.

"What?" Santana furrowed her eyebrows, her voice laced with confusion.  "I'm not scared of anything."

Julia drunkenly giggled yet again, Santana only more curious as to what the green-eyed girl was referring to.

"You're so scared that...that..." Julia paused as she stumbled upon her words, quickly gathering her thoughts again.  "You're scared that I'll kiss you!"

Santana's wide grin dropped a bit before Julia continued.

"That I'll get so drunk, and I won't be able to resist you, and I'll kiss you, and you won't be able to resist me, even if you hate my guts and...yeah," Julia ranted, the woozy smile never falling from her gorgeous face.

"I'm scared that you'll throw up everywhere and get this whole place all dirty and gross," Santana swiftly recovered after only a few seconds of surprise and hesitancy, forcing the smile onto her face.

But it quickly became real as she had almost instantly forgotten what had just happened when she focused on Julia's naturally charming and hypnotizing smile.

"Mkay," Julia simply responded, quite gullible with the alcohol in her system and willing to believe everything the pretty girl in front of her said.  "I won't do it but...if I did...if I did kiss you, would you like it?" Julia wondered aloud, glancing up at the ceiling in pure fascination for the answer to her question.

Santana was unable to peel her chocolate eyes from those familiar emerald ones even if Julia was looking elsewhere.

Deep down she knew the exact answer to Julia's question, though she didn't want to admit it to herself let alone the girl sitting just a few feet in front of her.

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