2x17 Night of Neglect - Case Closed

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A/N: Hey, so I made a mood board/aesthetic thingy for Julia and I've never made one before, so I don't really know if it's good or not, but if you have any suggestions for things I should change, add, or remove, please leave a comment!

A/N: Hey, so I made a mood board/aesthetic thingy for Julia and I've never made one before, so I don't really know if it's good or not, but if you have any suggestions for things I should change, add, or remove, please leave a comment!

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Santana's eyes fluttered open but were tempted to close again after a rush of blinding light.  Santana looked down and smiled to herself, noticing her arms wrapped around Julia's torso and her chin resting on the girl's shoulder.

Santana glanced at the clock on the nightstand on Julia's side of the bed.

3:07 pm

Julia was exhausted after yesterday, having gone out to do a lot of shopping and see a movie with Santana, which took up most of their Saturday.  So, the two vouched to have a Sunday in and Santana definitely couldn't complain since she was doing the only thing she ever wanted to do: hold Julia in her arms.

Santana studied the sleeping beauty beside her; her hair up in a messy bun and her lips slightly parted to let out soft snores.  Santana thought it was utterly adorable.

She buried herself deeper into Julia's shoulder, but was soon distracted by something else on the nightstand.

Santana saw Julia's leather notebook that had her name printed on the front which she had gotten Julia for her birthday, along with a couple other things.  She really loved to spoil her.

All weekend Julia had been hiding the notebook from Santana, but specifically the contents of her new song inside.  Santana had wondered since the bus ride to Regionals what could possibly be inside of the journal, and now was her only chance to figure it out.

Santana took in the smell of Julia's cherry-scented lip gloss one last time before slowly slithering her arms off of the girl.  Once managing to do that, she slowly rolled over to jump off the bed, extra careful to not cause a creak in the bed nor the floor.

Santana tip-toed her way around the bed before finally making it over to the nightstand.  She peered over at Julia, her eyelids still covering her emerald orbs, before reaching out for the notebook.

She flipped to the page with the bookmark which was where the latest text was written in between the lines of the page.  She read the title:

Case Closed

Santana silently sat down on the edge of the bed near Julia's feet and began to read the scribbled lyrics.

*A lyric was changed to fit the context of the story

Hits when I'm asleep right through
I'm cold when I wake cause I won't feel you
When I can't breathe I know it's you
Got a lump in my throat just thinking of you

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