3x06 Mash Off - Rumor Has It

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"I think you guys need to stop making fun of Finn, you're being really harsh," Brittany pouted, making Julia feel internally sad.

"Manatees have really thick skin," Santana told the blonde causing Julia to snicker and place a hand on Brittany's back as they continued to walk down the hallway.

"Santana, Julia," Becky suddenly ran up to the three Cheerios, Julia immediately knowing the matter was serious since Becky didn't call either Latina by a ridiculous nickname.  "Coach Sue needs you in her office right away."

Becky ran off as Julia and Santana shared a look, neither girl knowing what was going on.

"Hey, Brit, we'll catch up," Julia told her blonde best friend.

"Okay, I'll see you later," Brittany smiled before Santana and Julia turned around and started toward Sue's office.

"What the hell's going on?" Julia mumbled under her breath, walking so close to Santana that their shoulders practically rubbed together.

"You're guess is as good as mine," Santana shrugged before the two girls rounded the corner and set eyes on Sue's office.

Santana glanced over at her girlfriend only to hear her take a deep breath.

"Hey, relax," Santana told the girl, easing her hand into Julia's for the first time in a long time.  "It'll be okay," Santana gave the most reassuring smile she could, even with the doubts that lingered in her head.

Julia took one last breath before nodding, trying to project a small smile on her face, hoping whatever was going on wasn't going to be too bad.  Because she knew it was going to be bad.

The two girls walked into the room as the bell rang, stopping just after they entered the doorway.  Their eyes scanned across the three adults in the room, Sue, Mr. Schue, and Burt, Kurt's dad, who all had the same blank yet slightly sad looks on their faces.

The two let go of each other's hands out of fear of what the next few minutes had in store for them.

"What's going on?" Santana asked for the both of them, each clutching binders to their chests with furrowed brows.

"Have a seat, girls," Sue said in a serious voice, very unusual for the cheer coach.

Julia looked over at both Mr. Schue and Burt one last time, wondering why they were present, before she glimpsed at Santana who was already gazing back at her with the same confused and slightly frightened look on her face.

Nevertheless, the two teens obliged, each sitting in one of the chairs in front of Sue's desk, dropping their binders into their laps and staring at their cheer coach.

"I'm afraid we have some bad news and I think I might be to blame," Sue started, only making the two girls more confused, Julia pursing her lips as she went through every single horrible scenario in her head.

"Oh, you think?" Burt sarcastically asked as he and Mr. Schue walked to stand directly behind the two Cheerios with crossed arms.

"Watch your blood pressure, bubbles," Sue scolded Kurt's father but didn't dwell on him for much longer.  "In my campaign to become Ohio's newest congresswoman, I've said some things that are not true, and I don't feel good about it."

Julia was more puzzled than ever, wondering what gave Sue a change of heart after she had lied many times in order to get what she wanted or destroy the glee club.

"I set the tone for this campaign," Sue sighed, rising out of her chair to walk around and sit on the edge of her desk, just in front of the pair of Latinas.  "And now I'm afraid my slanderous chickens have come home to roost."

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