2x13 Comeback - Outfits and Offers

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"Look, Q, I know that we've had our differences, but I can't lie, that outfit is amazing on you," Santana said to the blonde.

"It looks good on everyone," Quinn stated.

"Penny loafers and tights?  Genius," Julia commented as two of her best friends nodded with her.

"Outrageous.  I mean my carousel horse sweater should make me look like an institutionalized toddler, but no, I look hot and smart," Santana said.

"You're like Michelle Obama," Julia said.

"I know right?" Santana said as the two Latinas high five each other, adding a pair of playful smirks.

"Oh my god, you guys look amazing," Tina said, approaching the three girls.

"Seriously, she's a genius and an icon," Julia smiled, the words she told Brittany in the choir room having the desired effect.

"Who is?" Rachel walked up to the four girls, wearing almost the exact same outfit, except with a reindeer sweater instead of a carousel horse.

"Brittany.  Who'd you think?" Quinn asked Rachel who looked dumbfounded.

"Who knew that taking off that Cheerios uniform would turn her into a fashion institution?" Santana looked over to Julia who nodded and smirked at Rachel.

"I-Is this a joke?" Rachel smiled.

"No, but that sweater is," Julia said, rolling her eyes at the shorter girl.  "Who wears a Reindeer sweater?"

"Uh, all three of you!" Rachel exclaimed.

"No, this is a carousel horse," Tina said, pointing at her sweater.

"If you want to know what to wear, just look to Brittany," Quinn said to Rachel who was absolutely confused and dumbfounded.

"Look, she took the look from me, okay?" Rachel asked, desperate for just a little attention as Julia internally laughed at the girl.  "I paid her."

"You're a terrible liar, Rachel," Tina told the girl.

"I can't believe you would take this away from poor Brittany," Julia scoffed.

"It's sad.  You're just sad," Santana commented as the three other girls nodded with her.

Rachel finally stomped away when she spotted Brittany on the other side of the hallway.

Once Rachel was out of ear-shot, Julia couldn't hold back a couple light giggles that made Santana's heart flutter.  Santana looked over at her best friend and smiled at her, Quinn not missing the reaction between the two girls.

"Come," the blonde simply said, grabbing Julia by the arm, dragging her away from Santana's side and clutching her arm as she walked down the hallway, away from Tina and Santana.

"Uh, what's going on?" Julia asked as Quinn picked up the pace, forcing Julia to do the same.

"You actually need to tell her or I'm going to tell her for you," Quinn said, sounding a little annoyed as Julia sighed.

"Quinn, it's none of your business-"

"Actually it is," the blonde commented.

"Why?" Julia asked.

"Because I want you to be happy and you're not happy with him," Quinn nodded toward Layton who stood on the opposite of the hallway, Julia hiding behind Quinn so he didn't spot her.  "Exactly, you don't even want to be around him!" Quinn exclaimed, noticing the way Julia disappeared into the shadows when she saw the boy.

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