2x20 Prom Queen - Dance With Me?

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"Just crack the egg!" the Home Ec teacher shouted at Brittany who held an egg in her hand as if it was the most precious thing on the Earth.

"I just don't understand the difference between an egg with a baby chicken inside of it, and an egg with an egg in it," Brittany said, confusedly looking down at the egg resting in her palms.

"Brit, they're the same thing," Julia calmly said from beside her as she placed her hand on the girl's arm, way more patient and relaxed than anyone else in the room with Brittany, yet another reason why the blonde loved the freckled girl so much.

"Wait, that's really confusing because...this is a baby chicken's house," Brittany looked over at Julia.

"I know it is, babe.  I know it is," Julia said, petting Brittany's head as Santana dreamily stared at her from the back of the room, sitting at a table with Tina.

"Ms. Hagburg?" Kurt raised his hand.  "I understand that cupcakes are really trendy right now and I know that the making of a Foie Gras is a little morose, but, um, I would at least like to graduate high school knowing how to make some type of pâté."

"Excuse me Ms. Hagburg," suddenly Artie rolled into the room and Julia rolled her eyes, tightening her grasp on Brittany.  "I need to say something," he said as he rolled around Brittany and Julia's table and landed just in front of the blonde.  "Brittany, I was a jerk to you."

"Damn right you were," Julia said as Brittany gave Artie as much of a glare as the most innocent girl in the school could.

"And I want to make it up to you with a song," Artie ignored Julia who rolled her eyes once again, Santana still dreamily studying the girl from the back, Tina even catching her staring and wondering what was going on.  "So maybe you'll consider going to Prom with me."

Brittany and Julia shared a look, Julia silently telling the blonde not to listen to a word the boy said and to say 'no'.

"A Promposal!" Kurt gasped, lightly clapping from the back of the room.

After a couple lines, Brittany turned away from Artie to face Julia, who gave the blonde a sympathetic look, before she got up and walked away from him, Julia giving the girl a rub on her shoulder as she left the table.

Julia glanced back at Santana for a brief moment, Santana holding her breath as Julia looked at her, before Julia fixed her eyes back onto Brittany.  Santana felt how she used to before she confessed her love to Julia.

She felt her heart stop, wondering if Julia felt the same way, as she took in Julia's beautiful features.

Brittany walked over to the sink, placing a dish inside, as Artie followed her over, continuing to sing and not get the message that Brittany didn't really care.  But as Brittany walked back to the table, the sound of acoustic guitars were heard from the doorway.

"Oh my god!" Brittany hid her face in embarrassment as a smile instantly spread across Julia's face.

There Sam was, standing at the door with his guitar, smiling back at Julia.

Sam walked farther into the classroom, Puck on his tail, until he landed just in front of Julia who couldn't hold back a dopey grin.

Santana groaned, burying her head in her hands as she noticed the interaction between the two, Tina giving Santana a weird look.

Soon, Finn entered the room with a pair of drum sticks, banging on all the tables as makeshift drums, Sam joining in on the song and singing to Julia while Brittany pushed Artie away.

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