2x10 A Very Glee Christmas - My Girl

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"Hey, I was hoping you'd come," Layton said as Julia entered the auditorium with miniature fake Christmas trees and fake snow, a band too.

"Yeah, just don't waste my time," Julia blatantly said as she walked up the steps to the stage.

"I won't.  I promise," Layton said as he cued the band to begin playing.

Julia was pretty confused by the song choice.  If Layton wanted to win her back, why in the world would he choose such a depressing song to sing to her?

By the end of the song, Layton looked over at Julia and saw the slight frown on her face and lack of applause.  He looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to do or say something.

"That was...depressing.  So incredibly depressing.  Who in their right mind would sing that to someone they love?' Julia crossed her arms, inclined to leave the auditorium.

But something made her stay.

"I-I thought it would show you that I'm broken without you and it would be so depressing it's kinda funny," Layton said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Funny?  So you think heartbreak is funny?" Julia rose her eyebrows as Layton's eyes widened.

"No, no, heartbreak totally isn't funny!  It hurts actually," Layton said, referring to the way that Julia had left things between them.

"Yeah, it does," Julia confirmed, walking backward toward the steps that would get her off of the snowy stage.

"Wait!  Wait, I have some jokes," Layton said, knowing how much she loved to laugh since she was constantly laughing with Santana.

Julia stopped in her tracks.

"Okay," Julia simply said, waiting for Layton to crack one but there was a long pause instead.

"Oh!  Yeah, right.  So, what sport are Mexicans best at?" Layton asked with a smile.

Julia furrowed her eyebrows, wondering how race, specifically her race, fit into this joke.

"What?" Julia asked, unimpressed.

"Cross-country!' Layton shouted with a smile.

It took Julia a second to process what her 'boyfriend' said before her eyes widened and her expression turned from one of boredom and confusion, to one of rage.

"Are you fucking kidding me?  That's your joke?" Julia lashed out.

"What?  I thought it was funny," Layton muttered.

"You are unbelievable!  That's so racist!"

"What?  How?" Layton asked, very confused.

 "Oh my god, we're totally done.  I can't deal with you anymore!" Julia shouted at the boy.

"Wait, what?" Layton asked as Julia ran down the stage steps and dashed out the door, leaving Layton in a puddle of confusion.

After a couple moments of shock, he ran off to the one person who he knew could help him.


Julia and Santana were walking into glee club rehearsal, chatting about numerous different things when Santana suddenly stopped causing Julia to halt with her.

Julia looked ahead and saw that all of the Christmas gifts that were once sat in the middle of the room was gone, the tree nowhere to be seen either.  The only thing left was remnants of wrapping paper and the tree trunk.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Julia was the first to speak up.

"Stolen.  Everything was stolen," Mercedes told the girl as Julia and Santana walked to their seats.

Shortly afterward, the bell rang and Mr. Schue entered the room and was quickly and the same state of shock Julia was in just a few minutes ago.

"They took everything," Mercedes told the teacher.

"Including all of Sue's Secret Santa gifts we were going to give to the homeless kids," Tina added.

"Only further proof that everyone in this school hates us no matter what we do," Rachel said.

"It's not the school, It's Sue.  She did this," Mr. Schue said, anger laced in his voice.

"It wasn't Sue, it was Santa.  He said a light was out on the tree and he'd fix everything.  We just need to let him do his thing," Brittany smiled as the entire glee club looked at her dumbfounded.

"Okay," Mr. Schue said hesitantly after Artie nodded for him to go along with it.  "Are you sure Santa was a boy and not a girl, Brittany?"

"I swear on my life.  Santa's a boy, everyone knows that," Brittany told the teacher nonchalantly.

"It was probably one of the boys on the football team," Rachel attempted to whisper to Mr. Schue but almost everyone in the class heard her.

Except for Brittany of course.

"I guess it wasn't Sue," Mr. Schue said, puzzled by the new discovery.

"So our tree is gone, so our presents are missing-" Finn tried to keep spirits high but was interrupted.

"Santa's probably fixing any dents or chips as we speak," Brittany added.

"All around the world today, way worse things have happened to people than this.  Sorry, but I'm not gonna let this get us down," Finn said.  "'Tis the season."

"I agree. Come on guys, let's clean this up," Mr. Schue said.

The glee club hesitantly walked over to the mess and went down on their hands and knees to pick up the torn wrapping paper all over the floor.

Layton and Sam knelt down next to each other.

"Dude, I totally messed up with Julia," Layton told the blond.

"What'd you do?"

"Well, I tried to sing her a song and it completely backfired because she thought it was depressing, and then I tried to crack a joke but apparently it was racist," Layton said.  "I thought she would like it because she's always laughing with Santana and cracking jokes with her."

Sam and Layton looked over to Julia and Santana on the opposite side of the pile of wrapping paper.  The pair were hysterically laughing as Julia leaned her head on Santana's shoulder causing Santana to wrap her arms around the other Latina.

"Are they like..." Sam trailed off.  "Lesbians or something?  I mean, they're like so close and...I don't know."

"I asked her about it, but she said there was nothing between them.  That they were just friends," Layton said.

"Well, you just gotta keep trying, man.  I could help you put together something a little less depressing and insensitive to impress her.  I mean, I got Quinn under my belt so I could help you get Julia," Sam offered.

"Yeah, thanks, man.  I totally need her," Layton said as Sam patted his best friend's back.

"Anytime," Sam responded as Layton's eyes lingered on the two Cheerios for a minute longer.

He watched the way that Santana looked down at Julia.  There was a huge smile on her face that made her dimples show.  When Julia placed a quick on Santana's cheek, Santana's face lit up like a Christmas tree and turned red.

Layton's eyes widened in surprise when it finally dawned on him.

Oh shit, Santana's totally into her.  She needs to get her dirty claws off of my girl.

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