2x15 Sexy - Touch

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"You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and don't ever look back
Don't ever look back"

Julia softly sang, shuffling through her racks of clothes, looking for something to wear. 

"My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby, I believe this is real
So take a chance don't ever look back
Don't ever look back"

"I love hearing you sing," Julia heard a voice in the doorway causing her to jump and spin around.

"Jesus Christ, Santana," Julia placed her hand over her heart.

"Don't use the lord's name in vain," Santana mimicked in a deep voice, obviously displaying her impression of Julia's father.

Julia smiled and giggled at the girl.

"Okay, your impression makes up for scaring me half to death," Julia grinned, her laughter gradually ending as Santana beamed at her best friend.  "But do you know if Brittany and Quinn are meeting us at The Lima Bean?"

"I know Brit is, I'm not sure about Quinn," Santana said, leaning against the door frame as Julia picked a shirt out of her closet.

"What's up with you and Quinn anyway?  She was moping around and attacking me cause you stole her man or something?" Julia asked, taking the shirt off the hanger.

"Well, I didn't actually try to steal him, I simply told him the truth about Quinn and Finn and let him decide what he wanted to do next," Santana shrugged walking into the room.

"And you also flirted with him and seduced him in order for him to ditch Quinn for you, and lock the door behind you," Julia added as Santana turned to close and lock the door.

"Maybe..." Santana trailed off as she turned back around.  "But we also never talked about what happened at the party."

"Which part of the party?" Julia asked, remembering how chaotic the night was.

"I mean, we were so drunk we kinda forgave each other and...things went back to normal," Santana said, crossing her arms as she watched Julia closely.

"Well, I was kinda being an idiot about...everything.  I mean, you have the right to go and date Sam, although I have a right to my opinion.  And my opinion is that you guys are gross together," Julia scrunched up her nose in disgust as Santana walked closer to her.

Julia expected Santana to be somewhat offended, but she laughed instead.

Maybe Santana's pulling the same thing I'm doing with Layton.  I hope so.

Julia thought, based on Santana's previous reaction.

"Whatever, you and Layton are gross together," Santana told her best friend who playfully rolled her eyes.

"It doesn't matter anyway," Julia vaguely stated as she lifted her pajama shirt over her head to change into a new one.

She could feel eyes gawking at her.

"Like what you see, huh?" Julia asked, looking up at Satana who had her eyes fixed on Julia's body.

"Should I lie and say no?" Santana asked not taking her eyes off the girl.

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now