3x11.5 The Jantana Plan - New Plans

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Julia mindlessly hummed under her breath as she leisurely walked down the hallway, doing her best to pay no mind to the environment around her in case something reminded her of the love she had lost.

But the ring of her phone brought her back to reality.

Julia let out a short sigh before digging the device out of her jacket pocket, just hoping it wasn't one of the two people she certainly didn't want to talk to.


And it was.

"Does she even know I'm in school right now?" Julia mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes as she promptly declined the call.

She hadn't changed her mind one bit since she had received her mother's first call.  Or her second.  Or her third.

At this point, Julia's mother was spamming her daughter's phone with unwanted calls and texts that went ignored by Julia ever single time.  It relentlessly annoyed and confused the freckled girl as she didn't know what had changed to make her mother want to reach out and get in contact with her.

Though that state of annoyance slightly died when she heard a soft voice from beside her.

"Hey, uh, Julia? You mind if I walk with you?"

Julia snapped her head to the side only to be met with big brown eyes.

"I think this is the way to my next class...but I'm not really sure," the brown-eyed girl added, a weak and slightly frightened smile gracing her shy features.

"Yeah, sure, Cat," Julia lightly nodded her head, signaling she was okay with the slightly shorter girl's presence as it was a very good distraction to her current problems.

Julia had only recently met Catalina who she had quickly developed a nickname for, the two having crossed paths for the first time after Julia's in school breakdown.

Julia powered off her phone and dropped the piece of technology into her pocket, opening up her eyes to take in the boring view from the top of the courtyard stairs yet again.

But her line of sight quickly changed when she heard an unfamiliar voice behind her.

"Um, hi. I know everyone told me not to talk to cheerleaders or anything, but you seem nice, and kinda sad, and you have a really pretty voice, so I was wondering if you could maybe tell me where my next class is."

Julia spun on her heels to look down at a rambling girl with long raven hair, almost identical to hers, standing at the bottom fo the staircase.

It was clear to Julia that the girl was new since she looked Hispanic and practically the only two Latinas at the white school of McKinley high were Julia and Santana.

Julia further studied the lost girl to notice a few of her shy mannerisms, one of which being the way she nervously fidgeted with the sleeves of her dark blue sweater. Though Julia couldn't tell if the girl was more frightened by the new school she was attending, or the powerful and notorious freckled cheerleader before her.

Although Julia could've scared the girl by saying some crazy and untrue rumor about the new school she would be attending, Julia was way too drained by her impromptu song and all the tears that fell from her green eyes.

Julia quickly brushed the tears out from under her eyes as if it was just a bit of dust before starting her descent down the stairs and finally addressing the girl below her.

"Well, first of all, I'm the last cheerleader a girl like you should be talking to you and I think most people would say I'm nowhere near 'nice'," Julia bitterly laughed to herself, slightly frightening the other Latina.  " I'd really like to be a total bitch to you right now, but you're right, I'm fucking sad and also kinda tired.  So today's your lucky day I guess, sweetheart."

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