2x22 New York - Butterflies

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Julia rolled into Santana's body before a familiar soft voice flooded her ears.

"Hey, babygirl, wake up," Santana whispered into Julia's ear, the green-eyed girl automatically smiling at the nickname Santana knew she was a sucker for.

"Hmm?" Julia hummed as Santana beamed down at the half-asleep girl.

"I wanna get you out of this dump and take you out for breakfast," Santana said as Julia wrapped her arms around Santana's torso and buried her head in Santana's chest.

"Okay," Julia mumbled into Santana's shirt.  "Just five more minutes.  I wanna lie here with you," Julia scooted even closer to her best friend, Santana's hands going up to Julia's hair to play with it.

"Of course, baby," Santana whispered back, not necessarily caring if any of the girls whom were draped over the beds and chairs woke up and saw them.

Julia heard Santana's heart beat inside her chest, the sound being comforting and reminding Julia that Santana was still there and would hold her forever.


"I've never been to a Starbucks before," Julia cheered, the only coffee shop she had ever been to being The Lima Bean.

"I know, that's why I brought you," Santana opened the door and gestured for Julia to go in first.

Santana followed Julia in, the two getting at the back of the line before Julia's eyes lit up.

"Oh my god, they have cake pops!" Julia squealed, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Obviously, The Lima Bean didn't have cake pops.

"You want a cake pop?  It's like...eight in the morning," Santana raised her eyebrows, the two having made sure to sneak out early so none of the other girls were awake.

"Oh, come on, Tana," Julia turned and clutched on Santana's arm, pouting at her best friend and giving her puppy dog eyes.  "Please?"

Santana sighed and shook her head at the girl, trying to hide a small smile at the adorable girl's actions.

"I'm not going to stop you," Santana said as Julia cheered, continuing to hold onto Santana's arm.

And Santana definitely was not complaining as Julia pulled her closer.

"You want a coffee too?" Santana asked before Julia leaned her head down onto Santana's shoulder.

"Yeah," Julia simply replied, no other details necessary since the two memorized each other's coffee orders.  "I also want one of those, what're they called again?" Julia pointed at one of the pastries behind the glass.

"A scone?"

"Yeah, that," Julia adorably answered in a somewhat baby voice that caused Santana to smile.

"You're cute," Santana mumbled.

"Just for you," Julia whispered back, holding Santana's arm a little bit tighter as the two made their way toward the front of the line.

"Hi, what can I get for you girls?" the girl at the front counter asked, not looking much older than the two Juniors.

"Uh, I'll have a grande pumpkin spice latte and she'll have a caramel macchiato grande with whipped cream.  Also, two of those scones, and two birthday cake pops," Santana said for her best friend as Julia smiled up at her.

"Alright, is that it?" the woman asked causing Santana to nod.  "Okay, you're total is $18.29."

Santana handed the barista her credit card just before the transaction was over and the two walked over to the other side of the counter to pick up their breakfast.

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