2x20 Prom Queen - My Queen

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"Attention," Figgins tapped on the microphone.  "Will the candidates for king and queen gather on the stage."

The five possible Prom Queens and five possible Prom Kings walked onto the stage, smiles plastered on most of their faces, Julia sandwiched between Quinn and Lauren in a line at the front of the stage.

"The votes are in.  This is the moment you have all been waiting for where we announce our Junior Prom King and also Prom Queen," Figgins continued, holding an envelope in his hands.

Julia peeked across the row over at Quinn, the girls exchanging small smiles, both silently promising not to blow up at each other no matter who won, knowing it would mostly likely be one of them.

Julia then looked over at Santana who was already staring back at the girl.  Santana gave her a soft smile that made Julia's heart melt.

Both Quinn and Santana probably should've already congratulated Julia since she was already twenty five points ahead of second place going into the crowing of the King and Queen.

"Roll the drum, please," Figgins cued a drum roll as he slowly opened the envelope.  "And this year's Junior Prom King is...David Karofsky!"

Everyone began to wildly cheer, Santana probably being the loudest, as Karofsky stepped out of the line of candidates and toward Figgins to accept his crown.

"You suck so bad, Quinn Fabray, I won!" Santana exclaimed, a smile mixed with a smirk playing on her face as she blew kisses to Karofsky and Julia rolled her eyes.

Santana didn't even bother to address Julia, her feelings for the girl being too strong for her to trash talk her.

Karofsky walked up to Figgins who jokingly pulled the scepter away from him, both the principal and Dave sharing a laugh before Karofsky was handed the piece of plastic and the crown was placed on his head.  He proudly thrusted the scepter into the air, holding it above his head as the crowd cheered even louder.

"And now, the 2011 McKinley High Prom Queen..." Figgins began to open the envelope, the action seeming as if it was in slow-motion to Julia who held her breath and crossed her fingers behind her back.  "With an overwhelming number of write-in votes..." Figgins trailed off as Julia furrowed her eyebrows, now unsure if any of the candidates had won.  "Is..."

Figgins stared at the paper in his hands for a good few seconds as everyone watched in anticipation, Julia wondering would was taking the Principal so long.  Figgins looked out into the audience, his face seeming to drop as Julia's face put on a puzzled expression.

"Kurt Hummel."

The entire gym was silent as Julia's lips slightly parted in shock, releasing her crossed fingers from behind her back.  A spotlight shined onto Kurt who was just as shocked as Julia and maybe just as embarrassed as she was.

A few people teasingly cheered for Kurt as the others turned to stare at him.  Everyone stood frozen for a couple of seconds before Kurt booked it for the doors as fast as he could.

"Kurt!  Stop!" Blaine yelled, chasing the boy out of the gym.

Just afterward, both Quinn and Julia raced out of the gym through the opposite doors as fast as they could in their high heels.  Julia held her dress up so she didn't trip on it as Santana instinctively followed the girl.

"Jules!" Santana shouted as Julia and Quinn pushed the doors open, running in opposite directions, Santana turning left to follow the Latina all the way down the hallway.  "Julia!"

The freckled girl eventually stopped at the dead end of the hallway, facing the wall as Santana stopped just behind her.

"Why can't I just have one night?  One night where I get to be the Queen?" Julia murmured through tears that more than just about her Prom Queen loss.  "This is so embarrassing.  I was like twenty points ahead of Quinn and I still didn't win.  I'm gonna have to transfer or something.  Or like...go live in a lesbian colony," Julia exclaimed.

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