2x19 Rumours - Break-Up

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"Extra, Extra!  Read all about it!  Get your Muckraker here!"

"What the fuck is this?" Santana stormed toward Julia, the freckled girl turning her head to see a more than angry Santana.

Julia noticed Becky Jackson handing out the new school newspaper, The Muckraker, once again, earlier this morning, but she hadn't received one yet.

Apparently Santana had since the brown-eyed girl furiously shoved one at Julia. Julia scanned a column of pictures, one of Finn and Rachel above one of her and Sam hugging outside of a motel, Quinn beside them. Julia let out a sigh, looking back up at Santana, not quite sure how she was going to explain this.


"No, you told me it was all just gossip!" Santana shouted but tried to keep the situation on the low, not wanting others in the hallway to become suspicious of hers and Julia's relationship.

"Santana, you have to hear me out and trust me," Julia calmly said, Santana crossing her arms and glaring at the girl she loved. "I'm not having some sort of 'midnight rendezvous' with Sam and Quinn. That's absolutely crazy because I love you."

"Well pictures don't lie! Why were you there?" Santana asked, gritting her teeth.

"I...I can't tell you."

"Well why can't you tell me?" Santana yelled.

"I just can't. Sam-"

"No, I don't want to hear it," Santana held her hand up in front of Julia's face.

She spun on her heels and began to stomp away.

"Santana! Where are you going?" Julia shouted, chasing the seething girl down the hallway, pushing past anyone in her way. "Santana! You have to hear me out!" Please," Julia pleaded.

"Why would you do this? Why would you sleep with him?" Santana turned to face Julia once again.

"I told you, I'm not sleeping with him! There's nothing going on between us," Julia exclaimed, tired of telling Santana the same thing and just praying that she believed her.

"Well there clearly is since you can't tell me why you're going to a motel, in secret, with the two second dunbest blondes!" Santana felt her eyes become tear-filled.

"Santana, trust me-"

"No, don't talk to me like that," Santana spat, the way Julia talked and acted so soft around her made Santana want to cave and simply hold her.  "And don't bother running after me."

And she turned once more and disappeared in the crowds of students down the hallway.

Julia sighed, burying her face in her hands amidst all the chaos that was happening simply because of the false rumors the Muckraker was spreading.

"Stupid fucking newspaper," Julia angrily grunted, ripping a couple news papers out of Becky Jackson's hands, crumpling them up into a ball, and throwing them as hard as she could at the lockers.

"Hey!  That's a $1,000 fee for destruction of school property!" Becky yelled, pointing at the popular Latina.

"Well, my billing address is hell," Julia snapped.

Meanwhile, Santana pushed people to the ground as she ran for the bathroom, hoping to hide her tears from the many students that feared her.  Although she wasn't technically dating Julia, it still felt like cheating when she was with someone else.

She finally found the bathroom that was luckily empty, and made sure to lock the door so no one had the opportunity to enter.  Santana planted her hands on either side of the sink, using her arms for support as her legs had become unstable and jelly-like after hearing the news.

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now