3x11.5 The Jantana Plan - Forgiveness

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A/N: Wow, it's been a hot minute guys.  In case you were wondering why I was gone so long, it's because things have been starting to get more normal where I live and I've been getting busier with other things, but don't worry, I'll do my best to keep updating more regularly than this.  

Besides, since I didn't have an episode to base these chapters on (well I kinda a did at some points, you'll see what I'm talking about later) they were a little harder to write and come up with ideas for.

On another note, my private messages (pm's) haven't been working for a while, so if I haven't gotten back to you, that's why.  But I think it's mostly up and running now.

If you messaged me something and I haven't responded, go ahead and send it again because I haven't gotten any of the messages that were sent during the time my inbox wasn't working, and I'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Anyway, on with the very, very long-awaited (3 weeks and 2 days to be exact) chapters:

"Before Mr. Schue gets here, come on" Julia ushered everyone into the choir room, standing by the door and snapping her fingers to hurry the glee club up.

She just wanted to get this entire exhausting day over with.

"Brittany, lock the door," Julia glanced over her shoulder at the blonde who stood by the other door.

"Yeah, but I don't know how to do that," Brittany confessed, Julia sighing and simply motioning for Puck to do it instead.

"Um, what's going on?" Rachel questioned the freckled Latina before everyone eventually filed into the room, Julia shutting and locking the door.

"We've got the Warblers right where we want them," Julia tightened her ponytail, her lips pursed in a bitchy manner, complemented by mischievous narrowed eyes as she turned to face the glee club who had all taken their usual seats.

But her smug expression faltered for just a moment when her eyes accidentally landed on Santana.

Julia had really tried all day to keep her eyes away from Santana and keep herself entirely away from Santana, but it was quite hard to do, considering they spent a few classes together. But it was even harder to explain why they weren't being the constant love birds they used to be.

They hadn't told anyone about the break up yet, the words too painful to utter to anyone but themselves. So they stayed cold and distant from each other and everyone around them with no explanation. This was something that was really killing Brittany who clearly noticed the two Latinas isolating themselves from one another, the blonde with no inclination as to why.

Julia's eyes lingered on her ex-girlfriend for a few moments longer. She watched Santana lean back into her chair with crossed arms, looking completely uninterested in whatever was going on as her eyes darted everywhere but to Julia. And the freckled girl was somewhat thankful for that as it helped both of them avoid a very awkward and icy eye contact interaction.

But once she realized she had been staring for an uncomfortable amount of time, (which in reality was only a second or two) Julia quickly fixed her eyes elsewhere and forcefully tugged her lips into the fakest smirk of all time, ignoring and trying her best not to reveal the broken side of herself to the entire glee club who was too ignorant to notice the unauthenticity of Julia's expression.

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