2x03 Grilled Cheesus - Fake Dates

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As y'all know, I literally have no clue when it comes to Spanish and I just use google translate which I know totally sucks, so feel free to tell me if something's wrong so I can update it :)

"Jesus Christ," Julia muttered under her breath as Santana impatiently honked the horn of her car again.

Julia desperately sprinted down the hall, just a few minutes behind schedule, though Santana made it seem like hours.

"Pecas, estamos tratando de dormir! (Freckles, we're trying to sleep!)" her father's sluggish yet demanding voice called out from the master bedroom as Julia ran past the doorway.

"Sorry," Julia yelled back, dully and unapologetic.

"Maybe if you were on time for once in your fucking life, we wouldn't be having this problem!"

Julia ignored the man and took a pitstop at her sister's room, slowly opening the creaky door. Though it seemed her precautions were unnecessary as she looked inside to find her sister wide awake, watching videos on a phone that certainly wasn't her own.

"Isla, what are you doing? It's six," Julia took a step into the seven-year-old's room, knowing well Isla had at least an hour and a half before she had to wake up.

"I wasn't tired," she shrugged as she glanced up at her older sister. "So I stole mom's phone," Isla waved it up in the air as if it was a trophy of her successful thieving skills.

"I've taught you well," Julia chuckled, her little sister brightly grinning back. "But I have to go, Issa."

"Yeah, I can hear Santana outside waking up the entire neighborhood," Isla remarked as Julia walked over and pressed a kiss to her younger sister's head.

"I'll see you later," Julia smiled as she proceeded to rush out of the house.

"Bye Jules!"

But the girls' father of short stature stood menacingly in the doorway of his own room.

"Good morning, dad," Julia mumbled as she blew past him, toward the kitchen to grab her things off the counters and snatching a protein bar for breakfast in the process.

"Que te pasa? (what's wrong with you?)" her father shouted, following his daughter into the kitchen. "We were supposed to go to church pero decides desaparecer! (but you decide to disappear!)"

"I was at Santana's, and I didn't want to go," Julia unemotionally responded, powering on her phone to reveal the past ten text messages Santana had sent her, many of them describing how Sue would kick their asses if they were another second late. "I told you before I left."

"Funny how you just don't want to go," Arturo shook his head at his eldest. "Always at Santana's. Well I'm your-"

Julia cut him off by stuffing in her earbuds, "Killer Queen" and Freddie Mercury's voice overpowering her father's.

She continued to disregard the man as she started for the door, Arturo following Julia with his mouth speedily moving, yet no sound reaching Julia's ears.

"Bye, dad," she finally called out as she opened the front door, harshly slamming it behind her.

She quickly spotted Santana in her red convertible with the top down, an arm hanging over the steering wheel while the other held her phone up to her face. A pair of new, expensive sunglasses shielded Santana's eyes; the temples of the sunglasses decorated with golden cheetah print.

"Wow, look at your bougie ass!" Julia hollered, pulling one of her earbuds out.

Santana turned her head, her glasses sliding onto her nose in a sophisticated manner that forced a smile out of both girls.

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now